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Everything posted by Party_Taco

  1. I’ve had bbq three times this week without any intention of doing so (all work events where others either requested or provided) and I’m still alive… you’ll be fine.
  2. Appreciate the gun broker angle… hadn’t considered that need/possibility. For the record, I’m not looking to restore or do heavy work, and blueing is out of the question, but I would like to clean them up and prevent further damage. Are y’all saying to not touch anything and simply take them in for analysis?
  3. Oh, no… all of the kids stuff is INBOUND. Agree they can be a distraction, but we are fortunate enough to have a full-time nanny… and she actively persuades her to not do the laundry (that would be asking to much of her, despite her offering… repeatedly). I could give a fuck about the mildew… the steam cycle I use will nuke that real good… but I’m not diving into this mess for anything but to push my laundry through and GTFO.
  4. Snagged a Stagg myself last week, so it’s def hit Texas. That rye is interesting… gonna need some notes when you pop her!
  5. I am in need of some advice and seeking the sage wisdom of the Shag… So my FiL has a rather legit collection, everything from mid 19th century pistols and carbines to broom handles and 45s. Sadly however, they spent a lot of time in the open, or unprotected from humidity in his safe over the last couple of years and need A LOT of love. If you were going to deep clean and in some cases restore historic pieces, what would be your go to supply list? Thought is I hook him up for Father’s Day and we do it together, but I want to have everything we need to get it done. Thanks in advance - Will share pics throughout the process!
  6. Incredibly unnecessary to the point it feels like protectionism.
  7. I really need to get involved with that group… just never think to open FB these days. Y’all do good work!
  8. We built a fucking palace of a laundry room… this is how it looks 99% of the time. The cleaning ladies wouldn’t dare touch this mess, and 0.0% of it is mine. I can also assume there is a mildew infested load sitting in the wash, likely since this past weekend…
  9. Happy to trade samples - DM me
  10. Good day in the ATX, boys…
  11. Can only verify 4 Rivers Orlando, but it does indeed fuck.
  12. Comes into room while I’m reading on my phone and watching TV, 5 mins before a meeting… “So, I’m thinking we need to rearrange this room so that we can fit more kid toys up here.” “OK, I’ve got a meeting in a few mins so let’s talk about it this weekend.” “I’m thinking we need to move the couch for it to work…” “You mean the couch we spent weeks agonizing over before changing the orientation of the entire room and saying it was perfect?” “Yes, but we need more play space, so the whole room needs to move again…” “I have a meeting in 3 minutes… let’s figure it out this weekend” “So this section of the couch needs to move over here, or we can put it somewhere else.” “There’s no space anywhere else for a section of couch, and it would be odd on its own anyway” “We could put it in the attic, or just get rid of it…” “The couch that we spent a fortune on and waited 9 months to arrive? That one, you want to put in the attic?” “I’m saying it’s an option… you’re impossible!” *leaves for meeting [emoji2371][emoji2357]
  13. I could get behind that, for sure. Been a minute… hello, old friend!
  14. Bert - Did you get a chance to try the new HH20 Mellow Corn Granddaddy while you were there? I have the opportunity to buy one, but at a whopping $1650 it would have to be “best blowie of your life” good for me to really entertain. The reviews seem to fall in the “good not great” area, so I’m seeking opinions. I like the [emoji535] but I’m not convinced…
  15. I think it’s more that the premature call forced their hand once another state was decided in Mankin’s favor. They could have held out, I suppose, to see if others counterbalanced and they could call that state another way, but that would have undercut their desired result anyway…
  16. Except that, again, Kendal never utters a word while on the phone with Nate and we track his movements the entire time. The net result is the same, and I can see your path as well, sans that particular detail.
  17. Bruh… I lived there for years. Trust me when I say that I FULLY embraced seafood culture, but things got a bit desperate on the BBQ front during COVID and I didn’t always feel like firing up the smoker. Just giving an example on the other side, where NOTHING in a state holds muster.
  18. So… I must have interpreted the Shiv call differently, because what I heard was not a VM message but rather a “this number is no longer in service”, reinforcing that she never intended to speak with her ex. I found it strange thereafter that, with the camera on him the entire time, Kendal didn’t utter a word while on the phone… Did he too receive the out of service message? I suppose that would make sense as a “his number isn’t working so Shiv is full of shit” but probably could have been handled more deftly in that case.
  19. There are a few craft spots in SoCal now that are doing quite well… it’s not perfect, but 90% better than what you can get anywhere but Texas. The guys in San Juan Cap in particular have it pretty dialed, but my sister says her favorite is what Dave Grohl serves up randomly in a valley parking lot on weekends. Personally I think she’s biased, but apparently Dave is obsessed with cooking competition BBQ and the product reflects that passion. Tip: Don’t ever order BBQ in Maryland… I’ve tried it all and it’s shit.
  20. Fine place to have a beer on the back deck when the weather’s nice, but I’m not stopping for BBQ…
  21. If you feel like making another at some point just LMK - Would make a killer gift for a friend and I’d be happy to pay. Anyway, speaking of paying, if there are those of you interested in Cigar Blend at this price LMK. I grabbed two, as I still feel it’s one of the most unique bourbon experiences that can be had, even at this price point.
  22. The only “winners” are gonna be the lawyers… That includes a certain General Council
  23. Yeah, I’m gonna need some details here…
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