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Everything posted by alincoln

  1. Spinazzola is a huge miss for Italy. He's arguably been their best player and is crucial to how they attack. Emerson is in a difficult spot in trying to replace him.
  2. Ukraine will be happy to bunker until they are down 2-0 and England will be happy to just ping it around the back with the occasional foray forward. Riveting stuff.
  3. Saka is hurt. The early goal may enable England to set records for both back passes and passes between the back 4 in a match.
  4. Pogba and Ronaldo may also join PSG
  5. Federico Chiesa should start instead of Berardi. Looking forward to all of the QFs with the possible exception of Greece-Ukraine
  6. Sancho to Manchester United is done.
  7. Shaw has been fantastic
  8. "Played without ambition" -- Surprised he isn't an automatic starter for Southgate
  9. ANOTHER long ball out of touch.
  10. Amazing that Saka is still in this game
  11. Yes, but he has been England's best player in the tournament by a mile
  12. Southgate's dream: 0-0 and Pickford MOTM
  13. Ian Darke has been awful this tournament by the way.
  14. Sancho has 83 G/A in 82 Bundesliga games and has played approximately 5 minutes in this tournament and he knows almost all of the German players well.
  15. The irony to all of these HT comments is that this game could be as open as yesterday if Southgate played creative players rather than racking up yellows with his DMs. England plays long ball because of Southgate and his system. None of these guys play long ball for their clubs. Southgate is a dinosaur and a disgrace to the sport. He should be publicly flogged after the game.
  16. Kane is set up to fail in this system. Saka is rooted to the right sideline and the two DMs are playing so deep that Kane and Sterling are basically playing 2 on 4 or 5 in almost every situation. Accordingly, his only chances come on breakdowns like the one at the end of the half.
  17. They are so in the tank for Engerland and Kane specifically
  18. Mission accomplished for Southgate . . . 0-0
  19. That's 5 passes from England's side of the field to Neuer
  20. Greece won the Euros in 94 playing incredibly defensively but that approach should only be employed out of necessity. This selection is offensive given the talent on the bench.
  21. He may need the two GKs on the bench
  22. Low is going for it. Starting Muller, Werner, Havertz, Goretzka, Kimmich, Kroos and Gosens. Fortune favors the bold. Fuck Southgate
  23. Southgate makes Mourinho appear attacking. Starts a back 5 with two DMs at home. What a gaping pussy. England deserves to be completely humiliated. I'm definitely rooting for Germany after that team selection.
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