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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BigHorn'13

  1. These 2 posts have me laughing more than it should.
  2. Geez, y'all get a thread or somet...Oh wait.
  3. I was using that as an example of the counterarguments I hear all the time. Of course, I was 5 so I've only got textbooks and documentaries to provide a perspective for the time period. I'm of the opinion that Bush SR lost because of the whole "read my lips" deal and Reaganomics really started rearing its ugly head. Perot had fuckall to do with that.
  4. So basically y'all did something fucked off and are trying to make it illegal to be pissed off about it? Lol. Good luck with all that. Of course they won't because they're the party for everyone and everyone won't agree on everything. You are starting to see a shift, however, within the makeup of both parties. One party is trying to convince themselves one guy is right for the job while the other is afraid for their jobs to part ways with the guy who's leading them. I really wish your boy Bernie would've stuck it through running as an independent. At this point I think he's lost his right to have an "(I)" next to his name with the willingness to constantly campaign as a Democrat. But for now, we're stuck playing the "lesser of two evils" game with no end in sight. I constantly hear about "viable 3rd party candidate" as the counterargument to voting independent. Well, if every candidate that could make a good run wasn't suppressed because another member in their party is percieved to be the better matchup (or whatever excuse being used), then we could have this lovely thing called optionS. Nope... Can't do that. Ross Perot lost the reelection of a sitting president so no sense in even trying anymore. Plus the process is inherently fixed this way. What can we expect? Members of those 2 parties making changes to fix them? I'm not holding my breath...
  5. BigHorn'13


    I fucking hate bongs and other water pipes with a passion but have never tried concentrates out on them. I'm not uninterested...
  6. BigHorn'13


    My problem with concentrates is they make me choke like a first timer. Yeah, you get high as shit but can't breath and think you're going to die for 10 minutes until you're barely high anymore. Doesn't matter the strain, texture, color or any of that to me. Plus I haven't found an efficient way of smoking them without getting shit everywhere.
  7. Bitch you told them you were going to teach your grandkids to hate black people. Get the fuck outta here with all that. Also
  8. So much this. And you know what? He's probably getting his 15 minutes of fame and there will be someone in Austin more than happy to give him his needed therapy. Don't have a link but the OP states he was shut down for covid violations. Now, you can argue some type of revenge is being played out but based on this nazi's posts, I wouldn't believe it. Also
  9. Forgive me, undoubtedly true. It's never "real" until it happens to someone. And I could see how the rest would play out with "well, IF he/ they didn't..." I would just hope that someone else who claims to have had access to the same education (and beyond) as me wouldn't choose to be so narrow minded. Really starting to see who would've been better off attending aggy during these times. They've got more in common than they think.
  10. Playing rhetorical with the doc, here... Best way to change minds is to point out hypocrisies.
  11. I can't tell... Are you acknowledging there is a problem with policing? More specifically, policing and PoC? Also, this argument rings hollow for people in my generation who witnessed GOP obstruction at every Obama move. I wonder if you were this critical of your own party during all those "shutdowns."
  12. BigHorn'13


    Yeah, it's called eating before you smoke. Eventually you'll train yourself to block the feeling. I can smoke anytime throughout the day and not feel hungry afterwards. It's a mindset and not keeping munchies type food around helps as well. Don't get me wrong though, the summertime is difficult for me and ice cream. I'll admit diving into some heb creamy creations more days a week than I should.
  13. BigHorn'13


    And now a lesson of "let your nose guide you" Never smoked offsprings together so when I saw gelato and dolato looking and smelling nice, said fuck it, and copped an ounce of each at ~$200 each. Gelato Dolato And a side by side comparison with a little of the orange julius I've got left (Gelato, Dolato, OJ) Now, the gelato and oj look beautiful. Super frosty and smell good. Especially the OJ which has a very unique citrus aroma. The dolato, while not looking like much in comparison to the other 2, absolutely fucking reeks. If you've ever heard someone use the phrase "loud," it's the perfect descriptor for this despite the meh look to it. Been smoking for 20 years and it's definitely in my top 5 dayyyummm strains. I've mentioned before it'll usually take 3-5 tokes off my one hitter to feel right. This shit had me at 2. So... Yeah, don't always go off looks and stickiness.
  14. YES!!! I... I couldn't have conceptualized a better video than this. Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.
  15. Wow. Just wow. We need an official "got'em!" for these outed racists. I'm still enjoying the dancing African pallbearers for Corona, and it could easily be utilized here on many levels, but someone with the skills should do a new one for this.
  16. Boo fucking hoo. That's exactly what police unions and *checks forum* certain others want you to believe.
  17. BigHorn'13


    Let me stop you right there and offer some advice. Step 1: Acquire weed. Step 2: Acquire grinder and use it(not the app. This is important.) Step 3: purchase papers and a rolling device. Seriously, you'll notice a big difference. It's not that pre rolls are bad. You'll just get more high for your money and see what exactly is being put in to what you're smoking.
  18. The fact that someone didn't stop ol Helmut right the fuck here is disturbing.
  19. Gotcha fam https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/06/29/juneteenth-and-the-meaning-of-freedom/amp Thread going about how I expected.
  20. BigHorn'13


    Haha this is me at a red light in central Texas after using my one hitter. Then because face masks, NO ONE used to tell if I was high but with the primary portion to look at being glossy and slightly closed, I've redeveloped that "junior high" paranoia and keep visine. I figure with that huge waft of African dust coming in next week, the rona has to be around the corner...
  21. I'll try to make this as succinct as possible, as I once believed that BLM was divisive and not needed in the climate in which it was produced (I still maintain tensions really started to bubble after Obama was elected.) If you're one of these "All Lives Matter" people, first, stop it. That message has already been hijacked by people like these fine "Patriots." Secondly, we as a nation (one could argue as earthlings,) have never really valued/ seen black folks as equals. So to scream back something so disingenuous as to be ignorant of what that particular race of people have experienced is like asking for forgiveness without saying sorry or even acknowledging a problem exists. So if all lives truly matter, let's finally start acknowledging black lives do too.
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