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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BigHorn'13

  1. I think it's all about approach, like with any other person/board/etc. If you come in here quoting Andy Ngo or OAN, people will give you shit (rightfully so.) But if you come in honestly trying to discuss issues and avoid the usual bs, I haven't seen a problem.
  2. Just so you understand, as a staunch independent, things like this is why I've mostly stopped listening to the right. I crave the need to be able to hear and understand both sides to an argument, but it's fucking exhausting trying to discern legitimate vs propaganda with y'all. Also @Panchoshould at least get a smile out of this after the bs from last night.
  3. Terrorize and collect I mean serve and protect
  4. My point of protesting in big cities vs small towns on full display right here. Oooh the trouble I'd be getting into and starting if I were 23 instead of 33...
  5. Fucking a. And then to finish watching that only to see 3 new posts. One of which
  6. Lol brought me back. Favorite part of the standup is the baby weed dealer.
  7. This is a good point. Mine (no pics) was nowhere near the level of a Karen (I guess Becky according to that chart) but she had a tendency to overreact to something (which I blame her pussy ass ex because they'd frequently call on each other after verbal arguments. Yes. Arguments kicked off a game of "who can call first") and get police involved. Told her from the very beginning she's not allowed to call the cops anymore unless I'm not there and her life's in noticeable (not felt) danger. Anything else is a waste of resources and puts people's lives in jeopardy, usually over the most trivial of things. Before I get any stupid replies, yes, I do believe police serve a purpose in a community. I just happen to find that "purpose" is less needed in reality and many issues can be resolved without them.
  8. He should've just provided proof of citizenship and a reasonable explanation as to why he was parked there like that. /GW Hayduke probably
  9. And just goes to show you who still doesn't get how racism works in 2020. Answer me now and comply or the authorities will be here with haste!
  10. BigHorn'13


    No shit. And you're in a legal state, too. If I knew I could get away with a grow I'd do it in a heartbeat.
  11. Ah, a whole thread on the football board. I'll admit to being an idiot at times.
  12. The point of the matter is someone died (I'd say murdered but know that'll cause more contention.) Did the cop have to kill him? I don't believe he should have.
  13. Bingo. If one of these posters defending the cops had asked me point blank if I thought cops were supposed to be robots without emotion, I would've said of course not. It's the inability to recognize, and then justify, those same emotions directing actions that shouldn't be taken that I'm arguing against.
  14. Admittedly I haven't been following much football and have only seen references to this subject in other threads so please forgive my ignorance. Is this really a thing with the players or are you being hyperbolic? I hadn't even heard of this until last night.
  15. Yeah but you didn't kick his and his partner's asses and take one of their non lethal weapons resulting in hurt feelings. Shoot, you were probably just a good ol boy that just got uncharacteristically scared . That, apparently, makes all the difference. ETA aaaaand like fucking clockwork.
  16. Not sure I follow. Are you suggesting because I didn't want to comment further on a particular that could possibly be in question, but still having an opinion on the overall event, is, inconsistent?
  17. But it is though because for the reasons you outlined (simple stenciling [lol @graffiti] in broad daylight.) She saw what he was doing, ASSUMED a crime was being committed (lol and the fact that it's a nicer looking neighborhood is lost upon everyone), and took it upon herself to act because "something didn't look/ feel right."
  18. A bit late on this but I'll just state y'all are missing the point on this one. They weren't agreeing/ questioning shit but that man's right to be there. Forget the claim of knowing the owner. She's a Karen for sticking her crazy looking ass into business she had no business being in, because she saw a PoC writing a politicized message on property that couldn't possibly belong to the person painting it. And make no mistake, she nor her pussy of a husband, would've thought twice had he looked more white.
  19. BigHorn'13


    ER (not a good place to be) Wake n bake, hi!
  20. If you're referring to the 2 college students looking for something to eat and getting car jacked live on CNN, I'd think it would be because of the amount of cops, pulling them in different directions and giving conflicting orders, I'd say the circumstances is deadly force and not the taser.
  21. It's why we can't have nice things. What a time to be alive
  22. For hearing an opposing viewpoint and deciding not to engage in further debate of facts because said facts, may possibly, not be facts? Yeah, my credibility diminishes with such a thought...
  23. You think your family would still sue the city for wrongful death? Just asking because we're kinda hypocritical as white folks... No argument from me. Hence dumbass fucking sister.
  24. No because when the call is passed out person in a vehicle, the response should be medical. But I just saw a blip on TV where his lawyer is saying the whole "passed out drunk" narrative is false so I'm not going to entertain this anymore. Lol oooh everything is fine then.
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