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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BigHorn'13

  1. BigHorn'13


    Yeah thought about it but didn't like that it doesn't have a valve. Plus volcano's have been around forever and have a solid reputation. No regrats
  2. BigHorn'13


    Haha yes! Hank's a different breed, y'all. Doit.gif I would check smoke shops first because mine was only 560 something, taxes included. Online they're 7 and that's if you can find them (plenty websites were out of stock and the manufacturer is like 50 more.)
  3. BigHorn'13


    That'd be me. It's fucking awesome and definitely meant for people like me who smoke like chimneys. In other words, if you're a weekend toker or even a "only at night" smoker, it'll fuck you up for an hour or longer. Another unexpected benefit that I think @I Plead Da Fif said when I first got it and thought he'd be wrong is the amount I'm using-- not that much. I'm used to my one hitter and will do 3-5 hits at a time before I'm satisfied. I thought the volcano, like anything else, would waste some weed somehow but I'm using a little less than I would with the one hitter. It's crazy and probably not explained very well but yes, very much worth the money.
  4. BigHorn'13


    You fuckers keep making me want to get stoned by edibles but I just can't tell. Mostly because I'm smoking as well but I feel like I'm consuming holy shitballs batman levels of thc. Like that 50 pack of 25mg hard candies I got on my birthday. Went through that shit in 2 days and don't get me wrong, I got really fucking high but I should've been knocked on my ass. And trust me when I tell you I don't get anything bunk. Anyways, the search continues... Ate 140mg (2 gummies) an hour AFTER lunch, letting them dissolve into mush before ingesting, and am now publicly talking shit about them. Been an hour and a half and meh... Got some fire tho Orange julius 220 for the o. Purple (probably 10%) Afghani kush 180 for the o.
  5. Sounds like you let a great opportunity to mess with your mom go to waste.
  6. Don't forget the safe space required for which to operate (gassing protesters) and the fortification of where he rests his head at night. Also, listening to the DC mayor on This Week was disgusting and she needs the same treatment that that mayor in Minneapolis received.
  7. Just want to point out I wouldn't be kicking things up a notch (blocking traffic, swanging back and forth the couple blocks separating the PD and courthouse, blaring NWA, etc) in a bigger city. Plenty of others are doing that and a valid argument could be made that this form of protest does little to nothing in convincing others to change their mind. I definitely get that. However, out where I live, the quoted posts are more the attitude of the norm and not the outlier they are in cities. Can't tell you how many Q stickers and rebel flags are out. Or how many still live under the falsehoods that somehow mixing races is bad for the world and its future success. Or how, just a couple weeks ago, I went in to pickup my to-go order from the newly built wingstop and noticed the long line of "Patriots" (some openly carrying) next door at super cuts waiting to get their mullets touched up, and the looks I got when I asked if this was the line for wings. Fuck, you wouldn't think there's a pandemic in kerrville, TX. It's a typical Saturday night out here where restaurants are packed, most (albeit dive) bars I saw had plenty of patrons consuming their liquor, and only 10-20 people in the whole fucking county are truly bothered by what's going on. Everyone else is just happy to be ordering frozen margaritas again. Getting back to some sense of normalcy while (maybe, if at all) talking about "those issues" from afar. Well, if I can make "afar" somewhat here in this community resemble the places these people want to be away from, then I've taken away that comfort they so desperately seek. Sometimes, it's necessary to push buttons and make those who don't want and need to listen, listen. That's why I'm doing what I'm doing and don't give one maga fuck about who it offends. TLDR-- Peaceful protests are a good thing. Bring drama to the smaller areas of the state. Turn the lights on and clean out racists in every corner of our state/country. It's those (primarily white) places where the people need a wakeup.
  8. Quick update as I'm driving and I'm almost certain I've got the cops called, kiddo and wife are in another vehicle. Smaller group but they remembered me. Apparently people have been dropping off various items all day so there was nothing Soros could do this time. Apologies (but not really) to anyone I just offended at the intersection of 27 and 16 for temporarily blocking traffic.
  9. Este. They're not that great of a restaurant and their wings are too fatty. I "canceled" after the second time I ate there.
  10. Lol OBVIOUSLY you didn't read my previous post. We ain't out there protesting. I'm the mother fucking George Soros of Kerr county and fund others to do the dirty work!
  11. No one's out here yet. I'll check back in a couple hours. Brought the kiddo along with... In case you can't read my shit for handwriting it reads "Just got my haircut... Where did the 'Patriots' go? Silence kills. BLM." By all means and bask in scared white people glory!
  12. Funny to see this. Saw a small group of people protesting at the Kerr county courthouse earlier this evening and was ecstatic. Most looked like Schreiner U students and you could tell they had been out there awhile so I made a quick trip to heb for some supplies. Not pictured are masks that I stopped to buy at a convenience store where, for the first time I've experienced, an older man started talking shit to me when I inquired if the store had any masks. I informed him about the goodies above and their destination, bought all the masks in the store (a small box of 50) and told him to keep running his mouth-- I'm the mother fucking George Soros of Kerr county (lol not even close) and that I would do this everyday until it winds down. You would've thought he just met the devil the way he stood there expressionless. I plan on stopping by again tomorrow around noon to do the same thing so if any of you who live out this way come out and see a big dude with a ratty UT baseball hat on, holla at your boy. Fuck the police, black lives matter and covid19 isn't a goddamn hoax. None of these statements should be controversial.
  13. I kept seeing that scene from happy Gilmore where shooter talks about eating shit for breakfast. What's that Alex? You want the elitist to know you'll eat their asses, your neighbor's assess? Anyone's ass? Okay...
  14. It can be broken, but people have it backwards looking at it from the presidential level down. It has to start from the ground up. Win some statehouse seats. Get a congressional seat. Build recognition and following from there. Instead libertarians and greens just run as useless spoiler presidential candidates and invest nothing down ballot. Very true and it puts people like myself in the position of not being able to vote because there's only 2 choices on the ballot for county ________ without a write-in option. So now the "durr you don't vote you can't bitch" types have their win in forcing a false choice I won't choose between. It's an uphill battle but I've got confidence in the younger generation to break this mold of thinking.
  15. Not mine. Just reinforcing the "lesser of two evils" mantra that every crip and blood spews. We need a shift away from the 2 party political system now more than ever and I'm glad some PoC are starting to realize the Democrats aren't always out for their interests. Just like I am of those breaking away from Republicans and their new party. Now it's all about convincing people that this dichotomy can be broken if they want it bad enough. Governance should never be such an either/or type of thing.
  16. I think any solution that doesn't include ending the war on drugs and the privatization of prisons is moot. They're inherently intertwined.
  17. I'm someone with a LTC and do so. Fuck the NRA.
  18. SWAT representing. Speak your mind, Brennan. You'll always be a part of the fam \m/!!!
  19. BigHorn'13


    Fuck that gushers looks delicious and the cake looks infinitely better than what I got just a month or so ago. Said it before and I'll say it again, purple weed is the best weed.
  20. If that's your argument it falls apart when you remember the constitution is a living document. Just because it's inconvenient doesn't mean that it can't change. I'm not hijacking the thread anymore. Feel free to have the last word if you need it.
  21. If you're trying to say I don't understand how it's rigged to be a 2 party political system, you're wrong. Anything else is a fallacy and/ or a willful practice in acceptance.
  22. Sure but most still fall in line with whichever gang they bang ETA-- See one post above this.
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