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Alien Octopus

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Alien Octopus

  1. Urban Meyer may be the last offensive Genius, who did pull it off. Believe he is the only coach to beat Bama on the regular at several different schools using spread offensives. So Time will tell if Harsin is more Gus or Urban.
  2. His legacy of ham handedness will only be overshadowed by his politics. Nah, it won’t. That fucker has ankles for hands.
  3. Pick your pineapple? When did Southpark get the Marvel treatment?
  4. Nah, we need a motherfucker, you paragons of virtue can decide what variety of motherfucker makes you feel safe. Since congress Is about to blow up the NCAA, I’ll take an experienced ratfucker, who knows how to juice his players and pay their way to the top. I am not sure 47 arrests is enough but cUM is a start. Bring out your finest meats and cheeses.
  5. Harsin will kill it there. I do not get the negativity on this hire. His motion offense and trickeration is exactly what AU needs to deal with the superior defenses they face, he should attract superior skill players.
  6. Did not recognize her from that vantage point.
  7. Why in the world would anyone put a hand built motor into a minivan?
  8. "Oh my God! He only has one ass. He's of no use to me, I'll have to burn the room."
  9. Guess they should join a conference if they want a guaranteed bowl w a winning record.
  10. Almost lost this game for not moving the ball around and chewing clock. OSU has some incredible ability to male tough shots today, but the guard defense was pretty bad today. I think my fat as could have driven to the bucket today.
  11. Don't be obsessed with your desires Danny. The Zen philosopher, Basho, once wrote, 'A flute with no holes, is not a flute. A donut with no hole, is a Danish.' He was a funny guy.
  12. Nah the aggy could barely score against Venderbilt
  13. Just ate there a few weeks ago when visiting Axiom Space.
  14. Agreed, it should go, this is the one of the few Aggy I could ever tolerate...
  15. Tosu would mudhole aggy, even with their flawed qb.
  16. It is about TV money. LHN gets the shade for it , but it pervasive throughout. The only time the Chantaleers matter is when they first emerge, no one can give two shits after that, because money talks.
  17. Ass-to-mouth not a national brand not even SEC can fix that
  18. Yeah but they did not have the girl kicker on the team yet , ask Jimbo how that matters...
  19. I’d like Justin Tucker to announce that ND is in and not Aggy...
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