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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Orange&White

  1. But the tank can withstand a palm tree falling on it.
  2. This is setting up perfectly to be the justification for Jimbo needing "one more year". Preseason injuries just ruined the season. If not for the injuries, they would have obviously been in the playoffs.
  3. I’m on a golf trip on Cedar Creek reservoir, north of Corsicana. The current temp, at 7:15 pm, is 102. “Feels like” 109. Earlier is was 112. Fuckabunchofthis.
  4. I wish we had some sort of Crystal Ball score for Zeihan's predictions to see how often he is proven right. Because it seems like his doom and gloom scenarios rarely come to fruition.
  5. I mean it is a shitty thing to do and it would hurt the immediate neighbor, but to say that this would affect Lake Travis in any noticeable way is a stretch. This proposed dam will hold TWELVE acre feet of water. Lake Travis, when full, holds 1,115,076 acre feet of water.
  6. Well if that guy sitting in the Ikea furniture and fake plants says it, I guess it gonna happen.
  7. Well they certainly don't lie cheat or steal, so you know his application is completely on the up-and-up.
  8. https://www.austintexas.gov/department/council-member-mackenzie-kelly-biography
  9. I'll just leave this right here:
  10. Played Wolf Dancer today. Teed off at 1:05 and it was 99, but “feels like” 102. Around the 13th hole it was 104, “feels like” 109. When we left it was 102, “feels like “ 106. Shot an 82, finished in 3:45.
  11. Not to worry, fellas. Relief is in sight!
  12. I don't think that post is implying that they'd jump behind the front lines and go take those defensive position while the front is still active. If the russians are falling back, it's because they are taking enough losses and getting their ass kicked enough to make them go backwards. So in theory, each time they fall back, there are fewer and fewer of them to man the next defensive position.
  13. From what I've gathered over the last 2-3 weeks is that the primary objective of the arty right now is to destroy russian arty and vehicles to soften up the front.
  14. This seems shockingly easy to do, yet it is not even discussed. "If your country is actively being investigated for war crimes, your voting status is suspended until the results of the investigation are returned. If the results of the investigation conclude that you have committed war crimes, your voting status is terminated".
  15. I've continued to play golf around 2:00ish every Thursday and Sunday so far this summer. As long as you take the basic precautions, it has not been that bad. This week when I see the high of 103 and Feels Like 109, I finally told my buddy I am going to take the day off. Shit's gettin' real when I have to cancel golf.
  16. https://memes.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/4353e199-b36d-406e-af0b-1b63be8a5e7a
  17. From Lithgow Correctional Centre, where he’s being held, Duggan told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) that he was “living a nightmare.” “I strenuously reject the indictment in its entirety,” he said. Is this guy a Surly?
  18. Maybe he should have given the F16s and ATCMS sooner? Maybe? Potentially?
  19. Mr. Pink: You kill anybody? Mr. White: A few cops. Mr. Pink: No real people? Mr. White: Just cops.
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