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Judge Roybeanbag

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Everything posted by Judge Roybeanbag

  1. You keep decorations in a fucking storage unit? I’m apparently doing Amurica wrong.
  2. like I said, I’m still washing the damned dishes, but I feel good.
  3. Had a bit of a moment this morning. I was making olive relish for muffulettas . I got lectured on how to wash dishes and realized you know what, the moment you criticize something I’m doing, it’s yours. Don’t like it? Do it yourself. I’m still washing dishes but I feel better about it.
  4. Thing is, brother, there would be no conflict if one shithead state stayed within their borders. Russia started this shit, they can deal with the consequences.
  5. If anyone gets free healthcare, nobody will ever work again!
  6. Artisan jerky, yep. I checked that box.
  7. You’ve never made sausage then. Like really made sausage.
  8. You don’t want too much saltpeter in your shit, bro.
  9. If she’s anti immigrant and basically anti American, no problem, she will vote Republican just like you and everyone else in Texas.
  10. Sorry thought this was the stupid wives thread for a sec.
  11. The beautiful thing about all of it is, nobody works except for me. She hasn’t worked since 1998. Still thinks she knows everything.
  12. Good for you. In the meantime I’m having a conversation with my spouse. She hates our immigration policy. Frankly she just hates immigrants. Why should my tax dollars pay for that. I try to tell her why. I try to explain that someone else’s 3 year old kid is the exact same 3 year old kid she loves. Nope. Other 3 year olds suck and can die because they weren’t born here.
  13. Aw right. I still don’t like the both sides are the same bullshit. They aren’t at all. One is dark. The other is less dark. It’s not even close .
  14. So now, me, I’m not only a neocon fascist cracker, I also worship beavers. Actually I’m ok with the non-Bucees part of that.
  15. Remember the plastic coverings on the car seats and the couches? That wasn’t for us. It was for them.
  16. I’ll watch it, but it’s like watching the neighbors fucking. At least SOMEONE is doing it. Honey can you clean the binoculars again please?
  17. I have a hard time getting on board with cinnamon chili vs decaffeinated door to door salesmen, sorry.
  18. Now I’m a cracker? That’s news to me. Oh well, welcome to the SEC I guess.
  19. I have no fucking idea why that capitilized the way it did, but fuck it. I’m inebriated and apparently vote for Canadian Nazis.
  20. It’s pretty simple, while we were schwinging our huge American dick over around the Greeks and the Caucus and the eastern Thrace, we sprinkled some piss in somebody’s cheerios, and he’s not happy about it. Well too bad. Ottomans are where us Neocon villains put our dirty feet.
  21. This whole campaign parade seems so Stephen Kingish. Buying their mom cigs, wearing clothespins on their genitalia….
  22. I got bit by a black lab. Still have a scar on my palm. Was trying to break up a spat between my dalmation and my sister’s lab over a chew toy. Bad idea. It didn’t latch on and try to kill me though. Looked kinda guilty afterwards. His name was Levar.
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