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Everything posted by demos

  1. demos

    Whatcha reading?

    They did. Kinzer's book kinda goes through it all. I bought Chaos but haven't start it yet. Just bought this, some crazy shit in here too:
  2. At least the bat suit doesn’t have nipples.
  3. Jumping out of a perfectly good airplane is not a natural act. So let’s do it right. Enjoy the view.
  4. Omar comin’ Also digging the soundtrack.
  5. Did we ever figure out what is really up with that forehead? That shit ain’t right.
  6. Cthulu time. Really want this to be good.
  7. Morrow was also briefly the travis county gop chair
  8. If they don’t have ferris and cameron at wrigley, they’ve failed.
  9. Uber driver huh? Guess ann kitchen was right.
  10. Well, mason & co have solved this one
  11. Drove downtown this morning and everything’s still standing. Much disappoint.
  12. Fuck anyone hating on the bob.
  13. ^ Not sure. Been a while since I’ve seen it; worth a rewatch
  14. Caine and hackman in the same movie! This is my thesis man! This is my closing argument! I can stop watching tv!
  15. Watched “The Last Narc” about Camarena and the cartels. Seems like Narcos Mexico was pretty accurate.
  16. Uh... given that aggy has only beaten lsu once in a homecooked 4 (5?) ot game, 2nd in the west seems high. And have the ever swept the Mississippi schools?
  17. Those are the new “temporary” bike lanes. They’re not for protest marches.
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