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Everything posted by demos

  1. Had spicy pad thai for lunch. As I’m in the middle of some work, my guts start bubbling. Thought: i can hold it a few more minutes until i finish this. Then the fart came. Very hot fart. Rushed to bathroom. Drawers clean but barely. Toilet is destroyed and the pad thai is just as spicy coming out.
  2. Holy shit, just figured out my aggy cousin is facebook friends with this nutjob.
  3. Any of em as long they’re medium rare.
  4. Doctor Sleep Might have to go buy The Shining and Doctor Sleep (the books that is)
  5. The Victims Game - Taiwanese crime drama
  6. These are all great book recs, got most of them on my bookshelves. Doubt any aggy would read them (assuming they can read). Y’all should definitely read them though.
  7. Watching The Good Liar. Helen Mirren... mmmmmmmmm
  8. Shit about go down: https://www.texastribune.org/2020/06/17/sul-ross-statue-texas-am-task-force/
  9. “I swear if you don’t shut up I’m gonna drive this off the dock.” How I imagine that went.
  10. See the Austin city council.
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