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Everything posted by demos

  1. That’s an insult to the university of phoenix
  2. Louisville should bring in a one legged qb.
  3. Bend over and touch your toes. I’m gonna show you where the wild goose goes.
  4. Sounds like my lawn which would typically be dead by now but is not thanks to all the rain.
  5. Guess they're planning on one returning downtown to work: https://www.statesman.com/news/20200914/pandemic-inspired-bike-lanes-on-congress-ave-to-be-made-permanent
  6. Enjoying the indiana jones vibe on this episode
  7. Young Wallander is pretty good
  8. She’s pretty tight. There’s also not any fucking room to maneuver under the hood of her car.
  9. My grandfather had a 72 GMC Sierra truck. That thing required a quart of oil before startup but you could’ve crawled in next to the engine when you opened the hood. Went to change the battery my wife’s car and couldn’t fit a wrench in the there.
  10. Hope you like worms, cause that’s how you get worms.
  11. I’m gonna start sending edible arrangements to funerals.
  12. Personally, i’ve always had better interactions with DPS after being pulled over than APD. At least with the former they’re typically professional and I don’t feel like I might get tased by an asshole. However, this is still a bad idea.
  13. Better put some haint blue in and around that house, cause you gots ghosts.
  14. Someone's been reading the football board.
  15. Honestly all you need to read is Dune, Children of Dune and God Emperor of Dune. You can read Dune Messiah if you want, but really no reason to go past God Emperor, and definitely no reason to read anything Brian Herbert was involved in.
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