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Everything posted by demos

  1. I don’t remember anything from season 2 so i have no idea what’s going on except jesse pinkman is playing grand theft auto and something about nazis.
  2. I just threw up in my mouth a little
  3. Yup that was really posted and I grabbed a screenshot for posterity.
  4. Hey, i was there at Christmas. And yeah, they still so that but I haven’t been to confession in god knows when so I don’t go up there.
  5. demos

    Shit My Kid Says

    I pick the kids up from school on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Everytime i pick them up they want to go to McDonald’s. Figured i had an easy out today since it’s Ash Wednesday. Son (7): can we go to McDonald’s? Me: no, we can’t have meat today. Son: are french fries meat? Me: yes smartass, they are. I can’t even argue they’re fried in lard.
  6. The forestry service? Unfortunately
  7. In other words, they look like any other stoner.
  8. This is definitely some QT like rewriting history. One thing it is probably exposing people to is how the US government was bringing in Nazi scientists for all kinda of stuff (not just for NASA).
  9. ^ we still have the eventual OD and aggy memorial.
  10. This. If I don’t break out the clippers soon, gonna look like this: Just need some aviators.
  11. Several close calls today, but still clean. Also, pad thai is just as spicy coming out as it is going in.
  12. Looks like we got a hundred six... uh a hundred fifty-seven pounds here.
  13. No. Just put the ranch straight into my veins. (Along with that gravy).
  14. Whew, northwest Austin. Was worried for a second there.
  15. That’s normal for every red-blooded American patriot. Are you a commie or something?
  16. Poppa wrote a book about Acosta:
  17. The pinche rinche joined the dea
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