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Everything posted by Lat22

  1. Stanek taking paternity leave this series. Wow.
  2. Let’s go to the interview of the translator.
  3. Why did Yuli get passed over for his fathers name?
  4. Am I supposed to be rooting for the Rangers? Because if I am, I’m failing.
  5. Nobody picked up the ball until Abreu was about to step on home plate. He should have been given a HR.
  6. Is there a scenario where Astros win division and Arlington misses playoffs? In laymen’s terms. I’m not good at math. I’ll hang up and listen.
  7. What a geek fest this season is. And how many levels of screening did Hannah (and Brandon for that matter) have to go through before they were selected? I can’t believe that producers weren’t able to sniff out how terrible they were going to be as contestants.
  8. The Astros don’t have the balls to fire Dusty.
  9. Well, that’s a bummer. I’ve seen lots of banded water snakes around our pond but had never seen a snek like this. Thought it might be a cottonmouth so I made the decision to remove it before it slithered off.
  10. Obviously the tribe has spoken on this snek, but I’d like Surly to confirm what I think it is/was.
  11. And they actually have to spell out "Oklahoma" on it so people will know where it's from.
  12. Lat22


    I think I'm in season 7 now. I can't believe how times per episode they say "What are you doing here?" followed closely by "we got a problem".
  13. If you're playing O-line, are you really going to pancake her? I mean knock the snot out of her? Drive her back into the third level and fall on her? I doubt it.
  14. I'd pick "Texas on a Saturday Night" over "If you're gonna play in Texas..fiddle yada yada yada". I'd pick both of them over SkeeYee. Play that whole song CDC. See how that works out for you.
  15. The look on FCB face when Sark dismissed him was nice. And fuck no to playing those guys again.
  16. To be early is to be on time. To be on time is to be late.
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