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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Royal We

  1. No mention of Hannity himself in this article, but Fox News shilled for these crooks a ton: https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-fox-news-helped-boost-steve-bannons-we-build-the-wall-fiasco
  2. Schilling got pinched too!? Oh man, this day just keeps getting better. I'm going to break out my rosary beads in hopes that Prince and Kobach are on deck. The grifting Sheriff would be a nice quail egg on top of this turd burger.
  3. The Royal We


    I kind of thought the same thing. Seems like he would be carrying around Polonium test strips to dip in everything before imbibing.
  4. If you are in the Houston area the Space City Weather guys are worth a follow. I get a daily email from them and they always provide a pretty level-headed perspective on things. https://spacecityweather.com/confidence-growing-in-texas-impacts-from-invest-97l/
  5. During Barr's confirmation hearing he said that dangling a pardon in exchange for a witness's silence would be a crime. https://www.businessinsider.com/william-barr-confirmation-hearing-trump-pardon-2019-1 Not that anything really matters anymore, but that was his take in January of '19.
  6. Gotcha, so the bulb was sticking up out of the top of the bucket filled with concrete? Was the ballast in the bucket too or did you have it in another box up on the dock with an extension cord running down to the bucket? Thanks for the idea, I think I'm going to give it a whirl.
  7. Seems to me like Lobo is proud of all the time, effort and thought he's put into his children's education. Which seems like something he should be proud of.
  8. Well that's f'n interesting man. I wish that post had a few more pictures between the 3rd and 4th, but I bet I can dig around and find some more stuff on the internet. What did you put the bulb in to protect it?
  9. Same. And we have a much better set up than most people - wife doesn't work and we have plenty of space for each child to have their own workspace that it somewhat private and quiet. I'd go absolutely insane if we were trying to do this in an apartment. I feel terrible for people in that situation.
  10. Believe me, we really want this to work and for our kids to go back to in-person learning. We've got a kindergartner, 2nd grader and a 5th grader, so my wife is working her ass off trying to make sure they all get what they need. I try to help as much as possible while also working from home. It's no picnic and my wife is pretty frazzled at the end of every day.
  11. Communication has been pretty sparse from the school on this, but it sounds like the teacher already had plans to be out last Friday. A student in the class started having symptoms on Friday morning and that's why they sent the entire class home until 8/24. They have not confirmed that the student tested positive, but they did say they will adjust and call the kids back to in person classes if new information (a negative test?) becomes available. So they made it 2.5 days before everyone having to go remote. I'm not aware of any other classes having issues yet, but I'm not sure we would ever been informed in that situation anyway.
  12. Do you know what brand you have? There are 4 or 5 docks on the lake I live on that have underwater lights and I ride around and hit them at night a few times a month, so I know they work well out here. I do worry about the bulbs going out or the wires getting snagged by other fisherman doing the same thing I do though. It's pretty fun to troll up to a light and see all of the action swimming above them, do you get the same effect from your overhead light? @Dry Elbows
  13. When your chief strategist calls for the deconstruction of the administrative state - you sort of waive your right to moan about the lousy state of administration. amirite?
  14. The BoJo looks interesting - not cheap, but seems like a good concept. Have you seen one in action?
  15. Has anyone ever run an underwater light off of their dock/pier? I'm looking at the ones that sit on the bottom and have a timer - the ones that look sturdy are expensive af. The cheaper ones look flimsy and like they won't last for very long if they are left on the bottom 24/7. This if for fresh water, something like this: https://www.amazon.com/Deep-Glow-Green-Underwater-Fishing/dp/B00GWTRFDI/ref=sr_1_26?dchild=1&keywords=green+underwater+fishing+light+bottom&qid=1597676775&s=sporting-goods&sr=1-26
  16. We started back on Wednesday and took the option of remote learning for the first three weeks to see how things went. My 5th grader was one of 4 in his class that started remotely, but his teacher was not in school this morning and they sent his whole class home at lunch today. There hasn't been any communication about what happened yet, but they've been really good on communication so far and I bet we'll find out what is going on this evening. Maybe she had a family emergency and couldn't come in this morning or something, but sending the kids home mid-day too seems a little odd.
  17. Good info, I guess I'll put my tin foil hat away and take the good news.
  18. I just wonder if they are actually doing fewer tests or if they are fudging the numbers - the Covid Tracking Project said in their update yesterday that they are getting lower testing numbers from the "local reporting and data from counties." It seems like it would be a very difficult thing to suppress on a county to county basis - I can't see Harris county lowering their testing data because Dotard wants them to...
  19. Sorry if I missed the discussion on this somewhere else, but what is going on with the decreasing number of tests completed? I know the reporting structure was changed/yanked away from the CDC, but if they were trying to make things look rosier than they are, 20%+ positivity rate ain't it. wtf?
  20. We had a Meet the Teacher event at my kid's school yesterday. It's a charter school and they have really spent a lot of time and effort to be very thoughtful and thorough on their processes and procedures in an impossible situation. All of the correspondence sent out to parents about the event said in bold letters - MASKS MANDATORY FOR STUDENTS AND PARENTS, it said it on the outside door to the building, it said it at the entrance to the main office where they were doing temperature checks before anyone could come in, etc. We go through with no problems, masks on all 3 of my kids and I turn around and see this f'n asshole about to walk up to the office with no mask. His wife and kids all have them on, but this tough guy has no mask and no one says a word to him. It's hard for me to describe the rage this caused me to feel rise up when I saw him. How big of a selfish douchcanoe do you have to be to take that situation to make a statement!? I felt terrible for all of the administrators and teachers that watched in silence as this guy strolls in - he may as well have flipped up the double bird to everyone that had worked so hard to try to make a very difficult situation possible. I really try my hardest not to wish ill on people, but I can't say I could contain myself yesterday. This is why we can't have nice things. I'm sure this same guy is one of the ones moaning the loudest as the college football season goes down the tubes.
  21. Great point. I can remember my dad bitching about this when I was a kid.
  22. Exactly. LAW AND ORDER (only for those who don't support my views)
  23. Obama didn't take away the guns, but Biden is going to do it this time, honest! You're gullible af if you fall for that bs.
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