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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Royal We

  1. Obama didn't take away the guns, but Biden is going to do it this time, honest! You're gullible af if you fall for that bs.
  2. Put me in the camp that thinks the combo of schools restarting and Labor Day gatherings is going to make for another dumpster fire in late September/Early October. We just can't help ourselves from continually touching the stove to see if it's still hot.
  3. Slorch evidently needs those charts to be shown on a webpage that does not have the word "Covid" anywhere on it in order for him to process and accept it. The fact that the raw data is on a page that even mentions Covid makes it invalid. Seems reasonable. 🤦‍♂️
  4. Yes, totally doable and worth it. If you have any online friends to play with it’s so choice. Every once in a while you’ll get into a nasty scrape with some trolly clan, but they are rare because of the size of the map and there are a number of different ways to get away from it. Go for it.
  5. Dumb question - so you run the Golf Clash Notebook on a different device than what you are playing on and refer to the wind adjustments in real time? I'm getting to the point where I get my ass kicked in shootouts because I'm trying to adjust for the wind by feel - seems like I'd be real short on time trying to input the wind into the Wind Assist on the notebook app during a match.
  6. Why didn't they just pump him full of HCQ? There's a cure for this thing!
  7. That's insane. I got a Backbone and have it up to lvl 3, so my only glaring hole right now is Driver. Until I get The Extra Mile, I think I'm going to have a really hard time winning 1 v 1 on Tour 4. I got lucky this morning and matched up with someone on a tour 4 match who still had the beginner wood on a long par 5 and won that one on a chip in. I've upgraded my big dawg to lvl 3 and it's pretty essential on the long holes for me because the Rocket is clownshoes.
  8. It's a huge issue that I don't know how to tackle without seriously compromising civil liberties, but it's a big component of tearing the country apart. For retired people there are very few negative consequences to posting and boosting hateful BS. I'm not on FB but have had a couple of friends tell me that some of the crap my Pops posts on FB is moonbat crazy stuff. But when his whole social circle and family are ensconced in the same echo chamber there are no social consequences.
  9. This is where pretty much my entire family resides at the moment. I'd really like to think they aren't bad people, but it's really hard on my heart that they cannot pull their heads up and see the BS going on for what it really is. My pops was a history major FFS and he is blind because of Facebook and FoxNews. No amount of well-sourced facts and/or data can break through. I see no way that they would be upset/admit the election was stolen as long as the orange hate goblin wins.
  10. So I've maxed out Tour 1 already and have a few wins in Tour 3. I got The Horizon in a random chest and The Big Dawg and prefer Horizon so far because of the much better Ball Guide, but I assume the distance will become more important as I get a better feel for how the ball is going to roll out. I still don't have any options for a long iron and really am hoping I get one in a chest soon. I need to do a little research on shaping the ball and plan on watching a few youtube videos today on that. FML
  11. I’ll join as soon as I get promoted. This game is crack.
  12. Bad ass, thanks for the info. I don’t know what some of that means but will figure it out.
  13. I don't have FB, so won't be able to do that. Thanks for the info. I've been on Clash forever and am starting to get bored with it - and yes, the coin issue is a beating on there.
  14. Just signed up today. I have a few buddies that have been playing for years so I finally broke down. Is it worth it to upgrade early clubs or should I hang on to the coins? I've got enough cards to upgrade The Dart, but didn't know if that was good value or not this early on.
  15. I had a friend out in Bellville, TX get tested and it took 12 days to get his results back - finally got it on Tuesday this week. He was negative, but that's pretty damn worthless at that point.
  16. WTF!? He got to go. It's wild how anyone who behaves properly around this administration and demonstrates integrity is run out of town quick, fast, and in a hurry. Like a dog. Such a head scratcher.
  17. Cases are being counted multiple times! They are inflating the hospitalization numbers, if you come in for something unrelated and then test positive while you are in the hospital, they count that too for the $$$$! They are coding everything as Covid, even if they died WITH Covid, not FROM Covid! Unfortunately I'm hearing this from some of my family. It's a huge source of frustration and sadness in my life right now. I never thought I would have to tell my parents to STFU, but here we are.
  18. That's pretty damn messed up for the teachers. I have to think that any Teachers that have the means will tell them to pound sand and not work under those conditions. This is shaping up to be a clown car smeared in $hit, so, par for the course for this administration.
  19. wtf? I thought this would be an all or nothing deal?
  20. The orange hate goblin might want to check out the worldometer update for the day. I swear, he has impeccable timing.
  21. What is the general consensus on Hegar or West having the best chance of making it interesting?
  22. Seems reasonable. Although I do think it could become more statistically impactful in the future if multiple negative tests are required before someone can participate in an activity - seems like that would drive more positive tests. It also seems like counties should have the ability to keep track the number of positive individuals vs. tests in the numbers they are reporting to the state. At least the smaller counties, it could be more challenging for Harris, Dallas, Tarrant, etc.
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