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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Royal We

  1. Furk. He provided the soundtrack to a big chunk of my childhood. My pops would always put Live at Gruene Hall in the cassette player on the way to the deer lease. RIP JJ
  2. Jesus, these are not serious people. I'm with Brisket, I think the campaign manager for my 7th grade Student Council Treasurer campaign could do much better than that. F'n embarrassing.
  3. Exactly this. The transition is happening. Very large PE firms that have only backed O&G in the past are now funding portfolio companies focused on renewables. One of them is a battery storage company founded last year that is in my office building, in Houston. I don’t think his comment changes too many minds in Texas.
  4. Do you guys want to go see a dead body?
  5. Thank you for posting Huck. This is some fascinating data to watch roll in.
  6. We finally have a Qultist willing to step out there and go on the record!? cool cool cool I know that certain things didn't go according to the plan, no mass arrests at George Bush's funeral, the Mueller investigation didn't result in mass arrests, the Horowitz report didn't result in mass arrests, Durham didn't spill the tea before the election, BUT FOR REAL FOR REAL THIS TIME, Barr is going to quit holding his breath and it's going to get really ugly for everyone.
  7. This is a great point. Cornyn's cowardly I-actually-disagreed-in-real-time distancing gives me just as much solace as 538's projections or anything else. His internal numbers must be off the charts brutal.
  8. I voted today in Nacogdoches. There wasn’t a line, but it was pretty busy. Busier than I expected it to be.
  9. I think that is correct. My SIL closed on a house in our hood a few weeks ago and they had it in the contract that the seller would assign/rename their AT&T account over to them, trying to avoid disconnecting service. AT&T refused to change the account and cited some new rule they have as of 10/1/2020 that they will no longer offer any DSL service. I figured that was another "no nodes available" type story to run people off, but I guess it's an official position now. My only option for a truly unlimited plan is long-range wireless offered by a company called East Texas DSL. They have towers all over the place out here in the sticks where they use Ubiquiti gear to beam the internet around. I've got a 50' tower on the side of my house with a Ubiquiti receiver at the top that delivers a blazing 3 mb/s to me for ~$50/month. I'm delighted to have it because it's the only f'n option besides a hotspot from Verizon and that's capped at 15 gb/month. Decent internet service in rural areas is a real problem. Starlink can't get here fast enough.
  10. They are the worst. I had a long thread about them on TOS, but I live 12 miles outside of a town of ~35k people and they are the only hard-wired option for my street. The guy we bought the house from had AT&T DSL and I called the day after we closed on the house and they told me they couldn't offer service because there were "no nodes left" on their panel at the end of street. Which was obviously not true, but they told me we were on a waiting list and would get the next one that came available. I tried to escalate the issue, would stop and talk to their service techs when I'd see one on the street, filed a complaint with the FCC, etc. with no luck. The techs would even tell me they would give me service if they could, but that they were forbidden by "home office" to do that. This was 2016 and I'm still waiting for that next node to come available. Assbags.
  11. This is going to take some getting used to, but whoa.
  12. If anyone should understand the power and sheer terror of leverage (or lack thereof), it's Trump.
  13. $7.45 with a luck index of 100 for me last week - strong to quite strong IMO.
  14. That was my first thought too, where’s the vid of his soul leaving his body the instant his best friend called him Rick?
  15. I'm loving the new bluegrass from Sturgill. I've been looking forward to this since he played the covid live stream show and it doesn't disappoint. The background/story that he sent out to his email list is pretty cool too, especially the stuff about his grandpa trying to get him into bluegrass when he was a kid.
  16. My GC handle is H8oraide. I've tried to use the other videos that you post, but I don't have that much time to grind through a hour & 45 min long video for each tourney. I don't think Tommy's adjustments are my main problem, it's my execution of them. Thanks for the thoughts and all of your help, it's appreciated.
  17. I'm doing my best to get to 500 clams for the season - should be able to do that. The last two tournaments have kicked my ass. I watch Tommy's video, make some notes and try to really grind but I just can't seem to shoot more than -10 or -11 which ain't gonna get it. Some of it has to do with flubbing at least one tee shot per round with a good/great hit where a perfect is needed, but some of it also seems to be I need a driver with more length off the tee. Pretty much everyone I get matched with has EM 7 or 8 while I'm still using a EM 5. The distance makes a huge difference on a couple of "must eagle" holes in every tourney. I still haven't unlocked the Big Topper either, which Tommy has called for on at least one hole in the last two tournaments.
  18. Man, there was so much teeth gnashing and ink spilled over the unmasking "scandal" that it's pretty incredible it will die with a whimper. I wonder if the Federalist society will also quietly take down the entire webpage they had dedicated to explaining this BS?
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