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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Royal We

  1. My oldest son (10 y.o.) is supposed to go to a 2 week summer camp starting July 5th. He was signed up last fall, we canceled this spring and then re-enrolled a few weeks ago when it looked like things were somewhat under control. The camp has made drastic changes to their drop-off procedure and their day to day activities/procedures. And pretty much everyone out there is confined to the camp grounds (way out in the East Texas woods) for the whole summer. The cabins are not air conditioned, but I still feel like if one kid in the cabin shows up with asymptomatic CV19, then everyone in the cabin is likely to end up with it. I was the one that had to push my wife to get her comfortable that outdoor activities are fine - still pretty much feel this way, especially if we quarantine for 2 weeks as a family after camp is over. But I have to admit that I'm waffling a bit with the case numbers in Texas trending like they are.
  2. Maybe so, but I feel like Nadler should hold him in contempt and start impeachment proceedings on Barr if he completely stonewalls today. Make the Senate Republicans own this fuckery.
  3. He'll give them the double birds and keep on criming. Nadler will shrug his shoulders and say it's not worth the effort to do anything about it. We are F'd.
  4. Like a swiss f'n watch these guys are.
  5. I've seen you comment on this a few times and sorry if I missed this part of it already, but do you think this is driven by reduced viral load due to the hotter weather or CV19 mutating to a weaker strain or what? It's something I've struggled to understand - steady ~20k/day new cases along with a steady decline in daily deaths.
  6. MP7 has become my favorite. I'm 2 longshot kills away from getting the gold camo for it, that's been a serious f'n grind. Sucks that they took Plunder away again, and agreed that their Rumble mode is terrible. Nothing but campers/snipers and assholes waiting to run you over in a vehicle as soon as you hit the ground. I thought the Trench Warfare 3v3 mode was pretty fun too so of course that took that one away quickly too.
  7. Damn. Are there enough DUCs out there to turn this around anywhere near as quickly as it did in '17 or '19?
  8. Good luck getting it over the finish line, I know you've wanted to do something like this for quite some time. Are you going to hedge or nah?
  9. Jesus. That's a startling number to see.
  10. Agreed, Rubio and Cruz can both get bent for that same reason.
  11. I feel like I'm looking in the mirror here with a few small tweaks. I can't see myself voting for a Republican for quite a while and will actively work against any GOP candidates that went full-Trumpkin during this error. I'm a hunting, fishing, gun owning, beer drinking, and in an industry connected to Oil & Gas, Texan.
  12. How is Burr different then? I mean, I know he subpoenaed Donnie Jr. and there's the whole SSCI report that shut down a lot of Trump's conspiracy theories, but is it all because he gave his brother in law information too? But that's just publicly available info that anyone could have, amirite?
  13. I went to high school with the CFO - his dad was my dentist growing up. Great dude, so glad that he has done well. Thanks for noticing @BTW the gutters and strikes ref really tied the post together IMO.
  14. Were you working from plans on these or did you just wing it? I like the looks of those and might have to make a pair for myself.
  15. Were you working from plans on these or did you just wing it? I like the looks of those and might have to make a pair for myself.
  16. Fair point on their portcos over the last 12 months for sure, definitely more gutters than strikes. Some of them that I think they did pretty good on within the last 2-3 years: Ameredev, Silverback, Forge and Felix. I work with another one that had their assets under LOI that totally fell apart a few months ago. I think the buyer lost quite a bit of cash that had already gone hard.
  17. Damn, that would be pretty big news if they shut the whole Dallas office. I've worked with some of their portcos that have not gone according to plan over the last few years for sure, but that still would be a surprise.
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