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Bat Guano

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Everything posted by Bat Guano

  1. Or Novichok. But Trump has been very obedient; no reason to go there.
  2. Yeah, I said that for the sake of argument let's assume there was some justice in the world. I guess that's not a realistic assumption. I keep picturing the scenario in Huckleberry Finn, where the King and the Duke are tarred and feathered.
  3. For tax fraud? I don't think those usually have jury trials. Guess he could ask for one.
  4. Let’s assume for the sake of argument there is some justice in the world, and after Trump loses he gets what he deserves; that would look something like him and his whole family losing every penny and being saddled with more debt than they realistically could pay off in a hundred lifetimes, and then Donald going to prison for the rest of his life. But Donald’s a smart guy, and he’ll take whatever opportunity is offered to slip the noose. So where does he end up? Some possibilities off the top of my head: Moscow. Saudi Arabia. Istanbul. Pyongyang. Pull a Weinstein: unable to go to prison because of recently unearthed medical issues. Eating a bullet on his gold toilet seat. Too early to make this a poll. Just fantasizing to make myself feel better. Help me out - what are some other possibilities?
  5. Yup. Biden prepped for 2016 Trump, and Trump took the crazy up several notches since then.
  6. Jesus, what a shitshow. I didn't have much to drink during the thing, but still woke up with a massive headache. If I was in Biden's place, I don't think I'd have been able to resist the impulse to walk over and punch Trump in the face. He was a toddler on Adderall - fixated on one stupid idea, and wouldn't/couldn't shut the fuck up no matter what the adults were talking about. Seriously, he must have doubled his usual dose; he was completely unhinged. After about 15 minutes I was wondering if it was over the top even for Trump supporters, but of course I know the answer to that - not even close: they wanted more WWE-style bullshit. Yes, it will hurt Trump short term because it turned off voters who haven't made up their minds yet; but anyone who fits that description at this point is by definition an idiot, and they could swing back again; you can't underestimate stupidity or predict what it will do. Trump's strategy was to fire up the base, because that's the only strategy he can comprehend, and I'm sure he succeeded. Maybe that will make it close enough for the election-stealing apparatus to work. Take nothing for granted: we're in for a rough ride.
  7. Well, he never had any intention of paying them back anyway; why should he treat the Russians differently than any of his other creditors? After he loses the only value he will have is as an example.
  8. A friend of mine, who may be in a position to know certain things, has been telling me for years that Trump only ran for president to get Secret Service protection - the Russians he owed millions to were closing in even then. It was plausible then, if hard to prove; now with the tax data there's a shit ton more evidence to support the theory. Maybe Donald will welcome being in prison when he leaves office, for the same reason, though I'm sure the Russian mob can touch him there, too.
  9. I read the first page and skipped to the last, so I don't know if this point has been made in between, but unless we disconnect political power from great wealth (and good luck with that), no meaningful wealth tax will happen. Our purported democracy is in effect an oligarchy, and oligarchs aren't going to tax themselves. Seems like a revolution is the only option left. Not looking forward to it, but it looks like that's where we're headed.
  10. We've been promised every time one of these incidents happens - and it's on the regular - things are gonna change. Sometimes you see the people making these promises winking to the powerful interests, but they still pay lip service. And of course nothing changes; in fact, the casual, cold-blooded nonchalance of George Floyd's murderer - the sickening absolute certainty that he could get away with murdering the man in full view of the world via cell phone video - shows that the problem is getting worse, not better. Maybe people have learned that persistence is the key to effecting actual change. Another factor is the local tie-ins; pretty much every city has at least one local similar incident. Austin has 2 recent ones, Michael Ramos and Javier Ambler. Plenty others in the past, of course. When people see the demonstrations in various cities, and see all the people killed by cops in just about every city, it becomes impossible to believe that they are just isolated incidents. It is truly an epidemic, and affects everybody, no matter where you live.
  11. Ponds are a pain in the ass. Jackhammer that concrete out and put in a cactus or something.
  12. Haven't read the whole thread, but with this https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/11/us/politics/rudy-giuliani-investigation.html?searchResultPosition=2 uh, we can has Logan Act charges? Seems like he was negotiating with foreign government(s) as a private citizen. Maybe Ukraine doesn't meet the threshold for having a 'dispute' with the US, but controversy? Plenty of that, it seems. Let's bring the LA into the 21st century! Punishment is a little weak - fine and/or imprisonment up to 3 years - but it's a start.
  13. Unpopular is one thing. Some of these are just plain wrong.
  14. I've used it a couple of times. Maybe it's possible to beat the Costco price by a small margin with a lot of hassle and PITA work, but it wasn't worth it to me. I'll use it again next time I buy a new car; good enough on price, and hassle-free.
  15. It's a done deal: US facial recognition will cover 97 percent of departing airline passengers within four years Thanks, Trump.
  16. Don't know about a pellet smoker, but do NOT cook bacon on a grill. Trust me on this.
  17. I got a Harbor Freight one a few years ago. Seems to work fine.
  18. Certainly looks that way. I'm not a lawyer but I understand English.
  19. Nothing wrong with 'cull' in this context; the scooter-riders are the ones we want to cull from the general population. Exterminated works too, of course.
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