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Bat Guano

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Everything posted by Bat Guano

  1. ^^^ Username checks out.
  2. Buttigieg's real problem is that he looks too much like Konstantin Kilimnik.
  3. It's really true - you learn something new every day. For instance, I had no idea Montgomery County was in 'Nam.
  4. Fair point. She could also have combined the 3% Hispanic enrollment with the <1% black and then compared that to the 68% combined citywide black and Hispanic populations.
  5. Nah, no uniforms at Stuyvesant. Maybe you meant uninformed. What did she write that is incorrect?
  6. "I am not responsible for that debt. Do not call me again." That's all she has to say. Then she hangs up. Edit: This worked for me in a similar situation, i.e., a debt from a family member for which I was not responsible. There were a number of collection agencies that were calling, and usually after I said that they said, OK, we won't call again. Or they said nothing; but in both cases they did, indeed, stop calling.
  7. Space Invaders Pac Man and Ms. Pac Man - I used to know the patterns to get through the first few boards on each Donkey Kong Missile Command Tank Commander A few more less-frequent ones; all in the arcades, pre-PC. Also a good number of pinball machines. Yeah, I'm old. Oh, the quarters....if I had them back I'd retire.
  8. At least Russert asked followup questions when he got the bullshit talking points. He'd ask the same question 3 or 4 times until he got an answer. Todd doesn't do followups, at all; he lets the bullshit stand. Russert was far and away superior; of course, that's not saying much - they were both Sunday morning chat show hosts, which is one small step above pond scum - but in that context, Todd couldn't carry Russert's jockstrap.
  9. I used a polite version of this approach when some dumbass came up behind me on the sidewalk. I knew he was there, but intentionally didn't get over for him to pass. When he finally got a chance to go by, I politely said, 'you're not supposed to ride on the sidewalk.' He said something about how he couldn't ride in the street so he had to ride on the sidewalk. I chased him down, tackled him and beat the shit out of him. Nah, he wasn't going too fast, was under control, and actually had a point about being safer on the sidewalk than on the street, so I let it go.
  10. What, you don't wear your cuffs rolled up, and a sweater over an untucked collarless shirt and a jacket that looks like it's too small to button? Get with the times, man! Leave the fly unzipped, too.
  11. Honestly, I think that's a large part of it.
  12. Bat Guano

    I Know Haiku

    Daylight savings time sucks. Early risers ruin Every fucking thing
  13. Could be. Like I said, it's just my opinion based on the way I feel. Seems like I need the carbs; I have done paleo, which was pretty ketogenic, for a couple of years, but I wasn't running at that time.
  14. Running definitely increases carb cravings; your body simply needs carbs as fuel if you're running any significant distance. Well, that's my opinion, anyway, based on my experience. If you stick to good carbs - fruits and vegetables, whole grains, I'm sure you know the drill - you should be fine. Halo top and candy bars are right out. Have a banana. Full disclosure: I do give in to the ice cream cravings once every couple of weeks or so. I've never been seriously overweight, and tend to stay at exactly the same weight, to the tenth of a pound, and have been for years. There have been fluctuations, when I made serious efforts through diet and, mostly, exercise to lose 10 to 12 pounds. I can keep it off for as long as I'm putting in the effort, and when I stop I go right back up to the same exact weight. 193.6, every day after my morning shit. The occasional ice cream binge doesn't budge it; it probably would if I did it every day, though.
  15. Somewhat relevant: The New 30-SomethingHave you or haven’t you cut the financial cord with your family? tl/dr: Boomers are supporting their millennial offspring financially and with other services, allowing them to enjoy better lifestyles than they would otherwise. Hey, maybe not all boomers are the greedy geezers some of y'all want to portray them as, and the millennials aren't the problem-solving wunderkinds you want to give them credit for; that's a significant amount of support, comparable to some UBI proposals. On the other hand, it also supports Brisket's original point: nobody's giving Gen X any credit, or even talking about them!
  16. This, exactly. Talkin' bout my generation is as vapid as basing conclusions about someone on the color or their eyes or hair (although to be completely honest, most blondes are, in fact, dumb). There are broad generalizations to be made over the millions of individuals comprising a generation, but that says nothing about any one individual in the group, and the dividing lines between generations are completely arbitrary and equally meaningless.
  17. And now nobody likes you because you're always whining. Knock it off.
  18. You don't read so good, do you? This is at least the third time he's posted this info:
  19. Does your teacher know you're posting here instead of paying attention in class? Isn't it time for lunch? Recess and then nap time afterward, yay!
  20. Look up how a VAT works. You don't even have a rudimentary idea of what it is, so any explanation would be a waste of my time. Aggressive stupidity isn't going to get you very far, here or in life.
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