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TrashMaster G

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Everything posted by TrashMaster G

  1. One side is set. The other is almost there:
  2. The streak is at ONE!
  3. [Longhorn fans] Is that allowed? [/Longhorn fans]
  4. That's not Catholicism. Only during Lent. Up until 1966, it was year-round, not just Lent.
  5. Quit talking like it's happening. It isn't. They took Nebraska.
  6. TrashMaster G

    NFL- Week 18

    SF has the bye locked up. Not on the table.
  7. TrashMaster G

    NFL- Week 18

    The end of the NFL season and the playoffs are just a way to ease into the offseason and bridge to the start of college baseball. Nothing more.
  8. Costner was excellent in No Way Out. Perfect in Bull Durham.
  9. TrashMaster G

    NFL- Week 18

    Also no Monday night game. It's been standard for the last week of the regular season for a while, I think.
  10. Should be "white women", but yeah.
  11. Only the black coaches.
  12. There is no way the B1G is that desperate
  13. This. C'mon people, don't add to this stupidity.
  14. What is it with you people who feel it is necessary to swing your vehicle into the lane to your left when initiating a right turn (or vise-versa)? You are driving a damn Yukon, not piloting a fucking ocean liner! JFC! And, while I'm here: When/why did it become a thing to drive with your hazards on during a rainstorm?
  15. Of course I don't. But I can surmise, based on what I have read and seen and those both indicate to me that he takes counsel from his family very seriously. Much more than whatever is being said on social media. I'll go with that until I see something that convinces me otherwise.
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