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TrashMaster G

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Everything posted by TrashMaster G

  1. My money is on Robert Downey, Jr.
  2. Fantastic book. I'll watch just to see how badly he fucks it up.
  3. While I have no sympathy for the owner, it looks like they knocked out a couple more windows than they needed to. I'm sure there's a reason.
  4. Holy crap, that is sexy. And it's too bad they cut off her dedication to @Brisketexan
  5. $1 million/year is a bargain, ya stoopid sip.
  6. Dude, you called your shot - Why are you acting all excited when it happens? Get your shit together, man.
  7. There's also a Texas Tech campus in Fredericksburg.
  8. You say that like it's a bad thing.
  9. And he's gonna be there a while.
  10. Would love to see her do a Sharon Stone impersonation.
  11. The Onion has officially jumped the shark.
  12. He threw two rocks. Shoulda run over him twice.
  13. Zero chance? That's a little over the top considering the jihad-level craziness with which they view the game. I know the aggy game is not one typically filled with upsets like the OU game has seen over the years, but this first one back will be unique. I still expect to pound them, but zero chance is not realistic.
  14. We called it the Tel Aviv Tower
  15. There is a lot of good advice here. Pay attention to it. I'll add this: Pick someone you are happy to do everything with and happy to do nothing with. If you don't like being around her when things are quiet and boring - DON'T. And make sure you are on the same page on kids - whether or not to have them, when to have them, how many, who is/isn't going to work when they are young, how to raise them... Do not leave these conversations until after the wedding.
  16. I felt the same about RC. And Sherman. And Franccione. And Sumlin...
  17. What happened? Did SI put itself on its own cover?
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