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Go Pokes

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Everything posted by Go Pokes

  1. That was Peter's parents in the audience. That only makes it slightly less weird. Unless her parents were there too and I missed it. I've reached the point where I don't really pay attention unless I hear drama happening
  2. He is right though. And you’re extremely wrong. If Leslie Goldblatt, or just about anyone else, tried to make this movie, it would be a steaming pile of dog shit. Instead of spouting your opinion like it’s fact, just accept the fact that you don’t “get” QT and stay the hell out of threads about him. I don’t get 2001. I can’t stand Terrance Mallick. It happens. Or keep showing up in threads about things you don’t like and talk down to people who do so you can feel superior. Your choice.
  3. Meh is a long way from steaming pile of dog shit.
  4. I don’t know why, but I’ve never been a fan of Jackie Brown. Following up Pulp Fiction, my favorite movie of all time, maybe I set unreasonable expectations for it. On my list, it comes in 8th. Right above Hateful 8 and below Django.
  5. It was based on a true story and that seems like an accurate portrayal of the guy Liotta was playing. You forgot to mention his final bitch move. Rats everybody out, goes into witness protection and bitches about the life they set him up in. How that guy lived to be an old man is a mystery.
  6. 10 to 15 years? Jesus. I've watched Inglorious Basterds twice in the past 3 months.
  7. I can’t imagine the speedometer thing was an accident. I love the little nods to the B movies he grew up loving.
  8. Go Pokes


    They were talking about Bella and someone said the truth is in the pudding, probably talking about how she couldn't be trusted. Jack said "the rice pudding"
  9. I’m surprised he admitted to the 99 problems. It’s really more like 399, but honesty has never been important to aggy.
  10. I hope he hooked Joe Mixon up with his financial people
  11. I'd rather loan Adrian Peterson money than read that fucking article.
  12. Sarcasm? Are you sure? If you were being sarcastic, that means you think Gunnar & Cale are kick ass names.
  13. His other two sons are Walker and Texas Ranger, so Gunnar isn’t that bad.
  14. How is it a 13 hour drive from New Jersey to Lake George New York?
  15. Go Pokes


    So what do we have left in the house? Total piece of shit - Jack & Bella Possible decent people outside the house who are coming off really poorly - Jackson, Nick, & Christie Holly - I have no idea. I think last night was the first time I remember seeing one of her diary sessions. Guilty by association so fuck her. ANALyse- See Holly, but she seems to have no interest in playing BB. She thinks she's on Love Island. Tommy - His mannerisms drive me crazy but he seems like a good person and he's got a pretty good read on the game. The fact that everybody sees his as some kind of arbitrator is a nice little advantage. He's the only one of the 8 I could stomach winning Nicole, Kathryn, & Jessica - They seems terrible at this game, but with as awful as the 8 are, I could live with one of them winning. If they don't make some progress this week, they probably have almost no chance to win. Sam & Cliff- the only two who are likable and actually seem to have a chance to win. They both need to start playing harder and with (spoiler) winning the HOH last night, this is the week for them to make it happen. I don't have a lot of faith that anything good will come of this week. I'd put up Jack & Jackson with Christie as my back up pending the veto. Which reminds me about Christie's power. Shit. She seems like the type who can be conned into using her power to save Jack instead of keeping it to save herself later. Fuck. There's very little chance this season ends in a good way and once again, it's all fucked up due to the producer's meddling. The Camp Comeback prevented anyone from making the big move and these powers are going to be used to save H8ful.
  16. Go Pokes


    The image that exit interview gave off was not a good look. Jessica better watch her back. She's got a little bit too much skin pigmentation to be on this season. Julie seemed like she tried to address the racism with her first question, but Ovi is such a pussy he spent his entire answer on making excuses for them. I'm about to watch the extended interview online and see if David or Kimmie have the balls to speak the truth.
  17. I imagine Yuki will be in Paradise. Neither of them is a trained bartender and one of them speaks about 15 words of English. I'm thinking the drinks in Paradise are strong as fuck
  18. Go Pokes


    I was starting to wondering if Cliff really was aggy. Then he did something so incredibly stupid, all in an effort to hopefully attract attention to himself, that it completely blew up in his face. He ruined his game just so he could try to coin a stupid catch phrase and hopefully become some kind of reality star. Fucking #cliffnotes. Yeah, he's aggy through and through. I was questioning why some of these reality shows insist on always including aggy in the cast, but I think I'm done with my wondering about it. After watching this idiot and Always Be Cam on the Bachelorette, I understand the thinking. The aggys they find for these shows are pure gold. And a perfect representative of their fan base. "Look at me! Look at me! Look at me! Wait, what? You looked and saw a complete fucking idiot? Well, from the outside, you just can't understand."
  19. I've been wanting someone to do that for years, but I don't think we'll ever see it. If anyone was going to do it, this would have been the perfect time. Jed left a fairly serious girlfriend at home to come on the show to help his career and I doubt he''s really all that into Hannah because, why would he be? The guy he's up against is the biggest douche to ever make it this far, so America would have been on his side. The look on his face and some of the shit he muttered under his breath made it pretty obvious he was having those same thoughts. This was our moment boys, and Jed pussed out.
  20. NERD ALERT! PBS tonight at 8:00. American Experience is “tracking the early years of the space race beginning with 1957, as the US struggles to catch up with the Soviet Union” 2 hours of space nerd Nirvana.
  21. How did she stay married to him long enough for him to change?
  22. I was only referring to the part that you were astounded by: I'm continuously astounded by the fact that these assistants coaches are literally going to jail to cover for their head coaches. So name an asst coach who is going to jail to cover for the head coach.
  23. There’s a reason why it’s astounding. Because it’s not true.
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