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Everything posted by Steamboat1874

  1. Reminds me of the best bathroom graffiti I ever saw and if you are young you may not get it...... "Jesus is the answer"......... Who is Matty and Felipe's brother.
  2. Wow really ??? Who would have thought.
  3. I guess this would not have happened if his sister also had a gun......according to defenders of guns.
  4. It is an "M" with the "e" and "b" also in the logo for Montreal Expos Baseball. Way before the Brewers.
  5. Hard to believe that a team of Notre Dame's stature is wearing alernate uniforms. Fuck that shit.
  6. This right mother fucking here.
  7. The Montreal expos baseball imbedded in the logo is awesome.
  8. I thought that movie was Elvis' best acting job which is not saying a lot.
  9. Fuck everyone involved with this except the gator. Too bad it did not eat both of their faces off. Fuck those morons.
  10. F1 might be the most boring fucking sport ever that involves cars. It is a parade and not a race. If you think NASCAR is boring this year you obviously have not been watching. Hell the Xfinity race at Pocono had more drama than all of the F1 races this year combined.
  11. Looks more like it was topped with ketchup to me.
  12. Sorry but I am not buying a round in 2 hours bullshit. That means you are playing each hole at a 7 minute average without waiting for another group on any hole and that does not include the driving time between holes. No way.
  13. I am 67. Different things hurt all of the time. If I went to the doctor every time something started to hurt I would be there 2 or 3 times a month. Fuck that. I have found if I just wait a week or so the pain goes away but......moves somewhere else that will also go away in a few weeks. You will figure it out.
  14. Who the fuck is Dave Mustaine ? Never heard of him.
  15. If you watch the first season early Andy is the goofy one. It definitely changed once Andy figured out Barney was the comic and he should be the straight man.
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