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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by huge

  1. I saw it half in the bag in a big empty theater. To say I was impressively confused is an understatement. I was impressed anyway.
  2. New i210s arrived yesterday. Can't wait to suck with prettier clubs this weekend.
  3. the vespa speeder chase was awful and pointless
  4. Louisville of course... They could do that in Austin for a pallet of Titos I guess...
  5. Had the AE cask strength finished in cognac barrels last weekend. My god what an expensive box. Stuff inside wasn’t great. Hardly good in fact.
  6. Last weekend was a bust for our group near Rock Springs. 1800 acres high fenced and deer were scarce. Only thing I killed? 1M brain cells
  7. 13th is now no good for me. Are you just going to go off the voting?
  8. All my lies are always wishes
  9. The Remus you want is Repeal. I-V are all buys if you can stomach the $80. The lower end stuff is ok, nothing great. I have a cask strength Specs pic that is gathering dust. That was $45 I think.
  10. There is Rare Breed which is 115 proof but is not hot at all. And there is Rare Breed Rye. Both are excellent.
  11. Looks awesome. Also I sold my Cocktail Time years ago and was going to kick myself if the pre-Presage versions had appreciated that much.
  12. My last 2 rounds have been terrible. Played bad courses in bad shape but it hasn't been promising. PLUS the scores haven't hit my index yet. New irons supposed to arrive next month. I'm sure that will help.
  13. I can do any. But this dry January stupidity is going to make it less fun for me and therefore everyone.
  14. Finished last night. What an awesomely dumb entertaining clever too-long ridiculous show.
  15. shit I have never had that hmmmmmmm
  16. I am and I will. But instead go buy a bottle of Rare Breed if you don't have one already.
  17. Did it remind you of Woody Allen in that way? Because when I see a big age gap now it reminds me of something he would cast and it takes away from things.
  18. The English dub was the opposite of Alicia's TITES
  19. I've paid over retail exactly twice in Houston. I don't regret it but I don't like admitting it either.
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