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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by SydneyCarton

  1. To be fair, good freshman all American OL are difficult usually if you’re playing, you’re fucked. Kelvin Banks is a freak. When the stupid takes are so omnipresent it forces Hank Scorpio to make a serious post, you should know you’re on the wrong side of history.
  2. Pretty sure his new handle is MasterP or MisterP or something.
  3. This is patently untrue. If you don’t think they’re fine with the “know your place” phrase, you certainly haven’t been paying attention to how they view race relations. Like any collective of shitbags, they hate their own rules being applied to them.
  4. Beau Baker is an unmitigated piece of shit, and if he still posts here, which I hope for his weak mental health he does not, it’s definitely as a new handle or a lurker because he was run off for doxxing surly posters and choosing A&M ahead of UT and posters here.
  5. I mean McKinley doesn’t thing so… This is pretty good.
  6. I wish that were the actual case, sadly.
  7. As if this guy's transparent behavior wouldn't be patently obvious regardless of handle? That's always a really fun game, bring it on. Spotting Carl was always fun, and that jackleg is no Carl.
  8. Look guys, an actual retard. Granted it's like seeing a deer in the hill country around here at times, but nonetheless it's fun to look and point.
  9. I'd like to point out that of course fat embezzler @TheMailBox357, aka Geoff Ketchum, doesn't pay for burnt ends. POS.
  10. lol at the poster shitting on USC as a landing spot because half of their team hit the portal…meanwhile the portal hasn’t taken anything from aTm right? The myopia is staggering. Michigan worried about the numbers.
  11. You’re right I forgot about that. I suppose he can plausibly have said he wished to see the new hire and see if they gelled.
  12. You can’t enter the portal at any point. There’s a window.
  13. What's it like to have such an an encyclopedic knowledge of a man who's skillset causes you literal, physical revulsion? I imagine it's something like Gordon Ramsey being forced only to eat in the restaurants and company of Guy Fieri.
  14. Ah, yes, the old "We act with integrity while EVERYONE ELSE IS EVIL AND DOESN'T PLAY FAIR!" When I think of all the people with journalistic integrity, it's the fans of a college that doesn't have a fucking school of journalism, and when they wanted to get one, it was literally so they could start flooding the media space with their narratives. But that was all foiled becuase they didn't want a black woman, or a respected journalist, and absolutely didn't want someone who was both leading their journalism school. Pooooooooooooooooooooor Aggy.
  15. Oh good, another clown with no posting history showing up to piss his or her pants about DT recruiting and the mean ole' SEC, all the while asking other posters to do a bunch of work so he can then ignore it and go back to pissing his fucking pants about the SEC.
  16. I thought it was the reverse? Boosters pay the initial lump and then the athletic department fits the bill for 8-10 a year until it’s done? The 12th man just did a huge capital raise and signed the check to the AD recently. The stadium loan is to the university. If that isn’t already paid off, and it might be, they’ll just renegotiate that shit.
  17. I mean, when it was bumped it was the first thing that crossed my mind.
  18. Imagine trying to discuss the chemistry of Ian Boyd with a straight face, much less complete earnestness.
  19. Oooh, which suckers? I bet Sixth Street is one.
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