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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by SydneyCarton

  1. First, thanks to @BigHorn'13. Second, in regards to this quote, of course @Bruh Man thought that: he is a fucking Aggie.
  2. I mean, after you outed yourself as an Aggie and suffered through the last few years of aTm football, finally reaching the nadir this week, I guess it makes sense you’d show back up now and try to continue your charade. Gotta lay that groundwork for the next opportunity to talk about the monster building in college station. Hopefully everyone will have forgotten you’re an Aggie by 2034, right?
  3. They had a burger called the wheelhouse. Burger with a circle of their fried cheese. That was the shit. Also team bennigans Rueben. lol. Well gosh, I’d “star player” Blake Gideon believes it, I’ll take the fucking opposite.
  4. I had a similar reaction to that post. fwiw, I have Collins not declaing and returning, Robinson going undrafted with Whittington and maybe ending up on a practice squad, and Crawford sitting at home replaying his interception in the Big 12 title game to anyone who will look at it for the rest of his life.
  5. You think a man who can't see, much less reach, his feet owns shoes?
  6. Fuck you, you fucking piece of shit. You knew and you did it anyway. Negged on general principle. Apparently Venables has a full on neck beard and hair to his eye sockets, as well. This is somewhat how I envision a slender @BurntOrange&White
  7. Applebees had to be way, way less cluttered. I doubt he felt at home at all.
  8. Funny you went with optimism versus pessimism of the program. I was thinking "can tie own shoes?"
  9. Comparing Vogel to Wells is insulting. Full disclosure, I'm not really all that familiar with Vogel.
  10. Mike Roach slupring HS coaching cock in between slurps of peppermint flavored Holiday Frostee will never not be a tsunami of cringe. It's like he was the waterboy for his HS football team and the coaching staff violently gang raped him after a pep rally and he has fond, longing memories.
  11. I honestly don't know if Hayes Fawcett's edits make Venables look more horrific and terrifying, or less. I really don't. I guess it's both at the same time, which might actually be worth existential pondering. For fuck's sake.
  12. I think they had an update. I thought a poster showed earlier on3 had moved him into the 60s?
  13. 20k for the national title game is tremendous news for me. Thanks. You’ll be shocked to hear I don’t follow anwar fucking Richardson.
  14. After her makeover and hiring a personal trainer, and considering the fact she's pushing 50, I'd say she's about a Surly 7. Maybe 6.5. She's like that seinfeld chick that goes from hot to terrifying depending on the lighting.
  15. UT didn't change fucking shit. The schools are actually given a pretty fucking small # of tickets to distribute to fans and alums. Like 10k. 2k off the top go to students, was my understanding. Then you have 8k distrituted among over 41k members of the LHF that have season tickets and/or donate to the athletic department. You fill out a form, and you request the # of tickets you want, with certain folks qualifying to ask for 2, or 6, or 6 or 8. They move down the list for people, based on their point ranking, until they run out. If you do the math, most people aren't getting the tickets to a bowl game that request them. Even people that give a lot of money to the LHF. I bet that bitch didn't even fill out the fucking form.
  16. Imagine waking up in this day and age of Texas Longhorn football and feeling the need to stan for Tom Herman's coaching and personnel choices. What a time to be alive.
  17. They'll still convince their user base, and more importantly themselves, that it is the minority screaming, and not the majority. Of course, it's Texags, so the majority will still probably believe they're a minority as well.
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