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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RMac5

  1. Ribeye from the sky? Never had it but hear it’s damn good eatin.
  2. What is that you are shooting with?
  3. Good thing corn is cheap this year
  4. Will definitely do that. I run back and forth between Amarillo and Salado and always looking for somewhere new to eat. Think I know that steakhouse you mentioned in Santa Anna, if it’s the one I’m thinking, it’s been closed for a while. It was in that small stretch of businesses on the south side of the highway.
  5. Yeah I eat at Owls often, it is a great burger. Not familiar with the bar, will have to look into it.
  6. Yeah they have done a lot in that little town.
  7. @BabaYagaRancho pizza is the best! Eat there every chance I get. I’m usually thru Coleman on Mon-Wed and they aren’t open those days. Santa Anna has a great cafe type place with a great CFS and cheeseburger. Seems like it’s MA’s or something like that.
  8. That makes perfect sense, thanks for the follow up.
  9. What do you mean by this? I’m not buying a second home, and this doesn’t apply to me, just not sure what you are saying.
  10. @Armybrat do you wish you still had it?
  11. No biggie at all, appreciate you trying to help. Actually wore my new Jack’s out last night and they are awesome! Maybe Bean did me a favor.
  12. Likker store in Childress has a bottle of Old Fitzgerald 19yr for $799. Crazy shit right there.
  13. @Herbie Hancock Just a follow up on all the AB BS. So I called TJ and explained my situation and that one of his managers blew me off and never ordered the boots like Anderson Bean suggested I do. TJ’s first response to me was “why are you involving me?” and I explained that I was doing what AB told me to do. TJ said he would call the guy at AB that I had been talking to and call me back, never heard back from TJ, that was probably 3-4 months ago. I finally decided to hell with TJ and Anderson Bean. Went to the Waco Cavenders and ordered two pair of Black Jack caiman belly boots and couldn’t be happier with the quality. Shame on you @andersonbeanboots, you lost a great customer!
  14. @Armybrat we lived due west of you just across 183, that was late 60’s early 70’s.
  15. We have enjoyed some incredible sunrises the past few days. This is from my iPhone just a few days ago.
  16. Boot shops that replace heels and soles or whatever can add a rubber non-slip layer. They need to to do it when the soles are new or have been just replaced if I recall correctly.
  17. Had a couple of the Michter’s toasted bourbon last night, it was good but not $30 a pour good.
  18. I had PF in both feet several years ago, it was a nightmare. I learned to stretch my pf and calves first step out of bed of a morning. I also found some inserts that are rigid and only buy shoes with good arch support. I haven’t had any issues since making those changes, I am very thankful too.
  19. Are you happy with the stolen? It looks great, you willing to share the recipe?
  20. Looks like he eats well.
  21. Yeah those cookies are damn good ^^^^^.
  22. What a terrible looking plate of disaster.
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