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Everything posted by Whitman

  1. Pics of wife to see what they are fighting over?
  2. I +'ed you to get you back to even. PS: Is your name here because of your love for bluegrass or lube?
  3. I didn't until I got divorced.
  4. Careful now... For some reason we're Ok with the incest stuff out here, but no gay stuff allowed.
  5. That's interesting that you brought JFK up. Some friends ( a mixture of moderate left and right folks) and I were talking recently (we had the Senate primary here in WV) and one thing that was brought up was the "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" line and how that just seems to be forgotten now as politicians from both sides just want to promise more and more programs or jobs or any fix for any problem any group has. Throw more and more money at it. Sen Byrd was our pusher/dealer here and he hooked an entire poor, lower educated state. Yea, JFK probably couldn't get a whiff of the office with what was on either platform in '60. Earlier in the thread someone mentioned something about Bill Clinton. I believe that if he had been able to run again in 2016, that he would have wiped the floor with record vote percentage and a huge bigly electoral college over Trump even with his personal warts/failings.
  6. We are getting spoofing moved over onto our cell phones now. It will be a local number pop up (don't know if it is a client or not so have to answer), and damned if it isn't "Card Services", "Student Loan refi", "Windows Technical Support" or the trips to Cancun.
  7. This one pisses me the fuck off (we even get them here at the office phone all the time ). Congress has an opportunity to fix something (at least make it better) and look good for once and I don't understand why they don't do it or at least try. Any set of numbers robo-ing out 10's of thousands of calls a day should be looked at. If it is a legitimate call center, fine, if not, fuck them up bigly. There has to be a simple way to make life so difficult for these people that they will go away.
  8. I would now agree on both of these, and it's disappointing , because it shouldn't have to be. Sadly, people have shown it is needed (they won't reign in deficit spending during periods of growth) , and as seen on other levels of gov't, both work fine.
  9. If that is Lebron on the right, it appears that Tristan (or Kevin Love) isn't in the starting lineup.
  10. Same here for West Virginia. Will we be 96 or 95% white. Cletus isn't going to be happy.
  11. That sounds like a pretty good day even for right now for being 50.
  12. It really was. Caps are deep on all lines, get Wilson back. I went to high school in DC so was a big Caps fan and went to more games than I could count. Went to WVU and most there are Pens fans. Maybe finally a Cup for my Capitals.
  13. I wouldn't think so, but I could see him back in Texas somewhere. Dana is a great WR coach, a very good OC, but a fair to poor head coach. That's not necessarily a bad thing. Your best salesman in a company who makes you shitpiles of money might be a terrible sales manager or operations manager.
  14. His son committed to North Texas (2019 class). Maybe it's setting up that way.
  15. I read this below over at a Democrat site/blog called Democratic underground. Even if you voted for, it amazes me that people can say these things about her and her maybe running again. People with this kind of perspective/hero worship (on either party) are a mess. ..She is free to do whatever she chooses at this point. She has given her life to humanitarian causes,voting rights, fought world humanitarian injustice, legislative actions, fundraised more money to fight the RW, spoke out & campaigned against national & global adversaries, fought a lifetime for women, children, racial & gender equality in the US & abroad. There is nothing that will stop her from her lifetime campaign for equality & human rights, and exposing those that self enrichment & greed has cast them aside thru political upheaval & lies. Her endless record of boldness & bravery in the face of powerful global adversaries makes her a natural born hero to humanity. She can do what she wishes, and will forever walk with her head held high. Her heart & soul has always been on the side of good.
  16. We win only 7 games and Dana will be fired in December.
  17. Oops, sorry. Forgot about that. Maybe he's just too big for one thread. (Apologies again if he is dead).
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