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Everything posted by Whitman

  1. A rap sheet is a record of criminal charges wherein the suspect couldn’t prove his innocence before the "rap" of the gavel.
  2. Update for Morgantown: Fri 84 Sat 80 Sat 79 Lows in the mid 60's at night.
  3. Have your boyfriend wax your body hair instead.
  4. OK, I'll take Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan.
  5. The Surly Sock Farm. Shaggy socks were fapped crusty. These socks are far worse.
  6. Whitman

    Vivid Dreams

    Chantix sounds like the name of a rough ghetto stripper.
  7. No love for Neil Peart from Rush?
  8. Morgantown this coming week....87/81/79
  9. Park an older registered car directly in front of his house. Then a second. It won't be long until he snaps and does something stupid and illegal. Out here we call it "poking the bear". The longer this goes on, the greater chance a kid or innocent person gets hurt. PS: It would be interesting if the neighbor trying to sell who had buyers run off has some sort of cause for redress.
  10. Autoerotic asphyxiation.
  11. No CR bullshit please, but if you are not a US citizen (it looks like he is maybe Iranian from the sheet???) , does there come a point where you are sent back home no matter your status with multiple convictions? Were all his incidents just bullshit overcharging because of cops sick of his shit?
  12. lol at the name Miranda Panda.
  13. The Bills still haven't had a running back who could get the job done since OJ.
  14. Cheap marguarita's, interracial cuck porn, and lots of scat?
  15. I agree completely with the result, but think it is more by an abrogation of duties by Congress. Fuckers don't want to do much of anything except get re-elected, cut taxes and increase spending.
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