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Everything posted by Whitman

  1. Will buttplugs be offered at some time? Perhaps an entire "Big 12" line. Asking for a friend.
  2. Releasing nudes of her would do more for improved race relations in this country than Kap in a Nike picture/add. PS: Would kneel in front (or behind) her. Woof.
  3. I think we have the most wins of any team without a national championship. Fuck Notre Dame ('88) and eat shit Pitt. ('07).
  4. You got banned because you are an undermedicated loon who spewed your volcanic shit everywhere. You are like a houseguest who leaves laundry everywhere, grabs the remote, interrupts/injects into every conversation demanding attention, and won't shut up for just five seconds. There are a lot of assholes at this place, but only two complete loons. The difference in them is that this place is not good for Derka, whereas you are not good for this place.
  5. Not realizing until just looking it up right now that y'all are on Bevo XV, when I first read his post, I just assumed he was telling SDG to go scissor the new steer.
  6. I give you for consideration the current Illinois 4th.
  7. He's going be a good one. Their AD also got a good one in my opinion for the basketball team in Buzz. They are set for a while if they can keep them.
  8. No Beamer, no Jimbo, no crab leg thievin', no player banging coach wives, and on a Monday night. No idea what to expect. Son is a junior at VT so I'l be rooting for the Hokies...sort of.
  9. You are upset at a bunch of sophomoric immature misogynistic assholes. Who does you being upset at affect besides yourself? Is it seriously worth it?
  10. Nice win to start the year for us. Not too chest thumpy because Tennessee is not a good team at all and we have to run it better (not just in garbage time) or Dana will just throw it 70 times a game. Go Mountaineers!!!
  11. That your wife's boyfriend uses a different deodorant than you when he is done, and he left it in your bathroom yesterday.
  12. That's quite a way to spend your lunch break.
  13. Whitman

    BIC lighters

    Your mom. PS: Oddly, she's still the same price as a Bic lighter after all these years.
  14. Jenny McCarthy's tits are very persuasive.
  15. I would expect this shit to start getting louder surrounding him, he denies knowing anything, but the cardinals force him out. They then take his statue down to the cries and dismay of his ardent supporters (remember, they call him Papa or just Pa). The pain of all this will cause him to die very soon, and the organization will start settling lawsuits for millions. After a couple of years, and a short term interum boss, the church will be back strong and the statue of Pa will be put back in place.
  16. I would have and have done with my kids the exact same as you did. It cannot be in my house as long as it is illegal and you shouldn't do it. The only thing that I have added to what you told her was that as tolerant as I am if I find they have/had weed, it is the exact opposite is with other drugs. I have a zero tolerance with pills, cocaine, opioids, etc. They know that I will reign down holy hell if I even suspect they would think about touching it. PS; How close to 18 is this daughter?
  17. Chocolate Sam going to be back this year?
  18. 350. The answer is always 350.
  19. Didn't Terrelle Pryor get a 5 game suspension for trading memorabilia for tattoos?
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