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Everything posted by Texasrocks

  1. I understand what Michigan is accused of doing. I'm also absolutely positive I don't give a shit, regardless of what the rule is.
  2. "God damn it Bijan! If you rescue one more fucking orphan..."
  3. What does that have to do with whether Holgo called a time out or not?
  4. He didn't need to call a time out - there was injury time out (I think it was Burke).
  5. A paradigm shift implies that there is a single paradigm, whereas ADs take several approaches. Sometimes with a proven coach (Texas hiring Mack Brown), sometimes an assistant (OU hiring Stoops, Georgia), sometimes it's based on an existing relationship (Dabo at Clemson, Freeman at ND), sometimes a conman needs a soft landing (Jimbo). It's almost always a crap shoot.
  6. Just ask Jimbo - it's always better watching live.
  7. Jimbo's buyout is only 15 or 16 months of their tier 1 and 2 TV rights. No big deal.
  8. It's going to be really awkward when they try to pay someone less to coach then they are paying someone else to not coach.
  9. They lost to Rice. And got blown out by TCU and TTU. I'm not sure they have heart or talent.
  10. Meh. This is a case of the portal working out well for both sides. I hope Card kicks ass against OSU and Michigan.
  11. One of the most brutal things I've ever seen was a flag football game between two Catholic girls highschools. It was both disturbing and arousing.
  12. I don't think Iowa understands how Fat Bear Week works.
  13. If there's one thing aggy knows, it's what would have happened in a hypothetical match up.
  14. Let's not aggy this up. Ewers is having a good season and continues to improve, but he's not playing at a Heisman level. That's not a bad thing. If Ewers plays out of his mind, he'd probably be on the bench way before he throws for 400 yards and 5 or 6 touchdowns. Meanwhile, Caleb Williams and Jayden Daniels need those numbers for their teams to have a chance. Ewers just has to drive the bus. If he's in the Heisman conversation, it's because he ran over all of Texas' opponents, backed up, and then ran over them again.
  15. You can add Bama to that list too. Their OL is, at best, a work in progress.
  16. I haven't watched OU at all this year, but so far this season doesn't look that different than last season. Last year they won their first three games by 30+, including a road win against Nebraska, and were ranked in the top 10. And then lost at home to the first good team they played (KSU). So far, it seems the biggest difference between this year and last year is an easier schedule through 5 games.
  17. If Jimbo manages to finish 6-6, it would be financially irresponsible to not give him an extension.
  18. Is it Tuesday already? This week is flying by.
  19. I don't think that's how regardation works. It sure as hell isn't how surly works.
  20. Why not? They held the ball for most of the quarter and settled for 3 points. Then immediately gave up a touchdown. Sark's approach is straight out of soccer - absorb pressure then score on a counter attack. "ToP-a-dope?" Wyoming held the ball for almost 40 minutes. And lost by 21. Baylor held the ball for 33 minutes and lost by 32.
  21. This would make a great aggy recruiting thread title.
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