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Zone Read

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Everything posted by Zone Read

  1. Flying into Pittsburgh late Friday, driving to Morgantown next morning with wife (no pics). Section 202.
  2. Gotta admit that's funny. But in all seriousness, the situation wasn't as minor as you may think it was.
  3. Maybe if you had two kids in that crowd of students that turned into a mob you'd be whining about safety. Maybe you're too young to remember the 1979 Who concert in Cincinnati. That concert sold 14 thousand general admission tickets with 1 entrance gate. The numbers here were similar. Color me an "entitled twat' if you think being concerned about my twins' safety is silly.
  4. That'll make the drive from Pittsburgh airport a little easier.
  5. We waited almost an hour to get out of State Garage R at the LSU game. Seems as though the usual police presence directing traffic wasn't there. Cars couldn't get out of the garage because there were no dedicated lanes for exiting and nobody could get past the constant flow of pedestrians who weren't being managed. I don't mind waiting some period of time since I'm in an air-conditioned SUV, but idling for an hour along with several hundred other people wastes a shit ton of gasoline. Everyone could have gotten to where they were going a lot easier and sooner with just a little bit of crowd control. Big fail on this one, but I'm sure CDC is on it.
  6. DC Attorney General recently filed against Marriott Hotels for charging resort fees. I would guess you'll see them gone in a few years and baked into the price of the room cost.
  7. I really liked the group. I figured they couldn't be as bad as the first time, they had more material and somebody must have said "guys, you really suck live, maybe you need to show a little more energy." I was wrong. But at least I didn't pay for the ticket, it was a birthday present.
  8. He and Paulina split last year after a pretty long run together. The Cars were one of the soundtracks to my high school days as well. Loved their music, saw them in concert in 1979 and 1981. Hands down the two worst concerts I've ever been to. Like watching a bunch of mannequins. Barely moved for 2 hours.
  9. This isn't some bitch-ass complaining. This was a Cincinnati Who concert tragedy waiting to happen. Look it up if you're too young to remember how 11 kids got trampled to death when a general admission concert opened the doors. My sons were stuck in that fucking swarm trying to enter DKR after being at Gameday at 4am and sweating their asses off. They couldn't leave the line or even their seats later to go to the bathroom or get water for fear of losing their place. When they did open the doors, the kids did swarm the scanners, knocking one over and disabling it. My kid said the guy at the scanner just said "fuck it" and didn't even bother trying to scan people in. My kids laughed it off as "no big deal Dad" but I was seriously worried about them. I love the fact that GA seating gets the serious fans into the seats and eliminates the people that look at it as a social event, but is it worth risking lives?
  10. Route 66 was brutal. Sam Houston State was pretty bad also. Last weekend I brought this cooling towel I picked up on Amazon with me to the game. Some type of evaporative cooling sorcery. It wasn't like I had an AC unit running next to me but it made it a hell of a lot more tolerable. Old fucks like me don't handle the heat as well as we used to.
  11. Buncha pussies. I've been to almost all the games mentioned. It's not like you're on the field playing with a shit ton of equipment on.
  12. I talked to CDC before the game. Asked him a question regarding the Clear service that was supposed to be outside of Gate 25. He made 3 phone calls to find out what happened. Told me to wait there, a few minutes later one of his employees came over and explained it was a miscommunication between UT and Clear. Best AD ever.
  13. Interesting take. Former juvenile prosecutor and also a gun nut. I'm not sure there are any extenuating circumstances that could allow me to think that this was just a dumb mistake you can recover from. If you life was threatened, don't go to that location. To have a loaded Glock with a 30 round magazine on your person can only mean you were on the offensive, not just protecting yourself. I can only see it as he was fixing to kill someone, maybe several people. Maybe I'm wrong and I certainly hope I am. I trust that our Coach will handle it appropriately and show leniency if it is warranted.
  14. Just got my confirmation of ou tickets.
  15. While not cool to make fun of this situation, I remember some of these people saying "wish Charles Whitman had been a better shot."
  16. I remember screaming along 2222 early one Sunday morning on my brand new 1984 Honda 750VFR Interceptor. I took a turn a bit too fast and even dragging my knee I drifted into the oncoming lane. Fortunately for me there was little traffic there at 7am back in the 80s and I was able to correct, but I remember thinking how easy it would be to die on that road if you overestimated your abilities, which I did. It's a dangerous road for so many reasons and this tragedy is just another sad example of that. Cedric definitely marched to the beat of his own drum. A great Longhorn. He will be missed. RIP and Hook em Ced.
  17. I was in Europe when I got a Woot message at 2am my time that the BioBidet USPA 6800U was on sale for $229 with free shipping. Ordered it and it was waiting for me to install when I got home. This baby has remote controlled electronically adjustable nozzle pressure and spray direction, heated seat, heated water reservoir, fart filter, heated air dryer, a separate nozzle to wash the wife's naughty bits and a blue led light to find it in the dark. Taking a dump has become an almost spiritual experience now.
  18. Just got mine. Asshole USPS guy bent the envelope. Now my "Build your own Bevo" is going to look like he's got scoliosis.
  19. I wish I had listened to you.
  20. Actually, both my sons are gym rats and pretty healthy eaters. Jester has some pretty good choices for eating clean. Not as bad as it used to be.
  21. Awesome. Same here, graduated in 87. My twins are finishing their freshman year living in Jester. I was always close to my sons, but this truly does make the bond stronger. Took them to the Sugar Bowl in January, hearing the Eyes of Texas at the end of the game, the thought that all 3 of us were Longhorns as we stood with our horns up made me quite emotional. Hook em.
  22. Edwin Simmons if I recall correctly was supposed to be the next Earl. Flashes of brilliance but never could get past his injuries.
  23. I'll bet it doesn't happen in the next decade. No way they schedule an out of conference game where their chance of winning is 31%
  24. This really isn't that far-fetched. It's similar to getting hackers to educate people on network security.
  25. Which sections of Jerry World will be ours?
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