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Nice Guy Eddie

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Nice Guy Eddie

  1. What minimum are actors not receiving? Isn't there a daily rate that they receive by being in the union and booking a job?
  2. Seeing more and more online about how operation Underground Railroad spends little of their revenue and pays their execs a large percentage of the spending. Basically for 2020, the last reported year, they took in 45m but only spent 13m including 1m to execs. Now perhaps they’re unaccustomed to the recent growth of contributions and their ops hasn’t grown by the same amount but that is just making excuses. Other child trafficking advocacy groups spend a much larger percentage.
  3. Dumb question but why do modern vehicles with digital panels still require an device to interpret the engine codes? I can understand still have the external port in case the digital panel is out but the process seems like a method to ensure dealership service $.
  4. I believe there are residuals from Netflix but it’s based on Netflix subscriber count not number of views. Given that tv and film workers do not work steadily, I gather that they count on residuals to get them thru the lean times while they’re working on the next jobs. As more and more content is moving to streaming, those residual payments are not working well for them. From what I’ve read, the popularity of your show on Netflix means nothing in terms of residuals. It might only mean it helps you with the next job. This is why you hear about actors (not main cast) complaining that they’re recognized on the street but have zero money in their pocket. Presumably the actor from the unpopular show effectively received the same amounts (filming and residual.)
  5. of course there are accounting shenanigans in Hollywood but I can also see that they’re not swimming in cash like they once were. I pay much less for entertainment (movies, tv, music) today than I did in 1995. But I assume that while these channels might earn less per subscriber/viewer, they’ve grown the number of global subscribers so perhaps that evens out in terms of $ per content or $ per worker. however is the industry making enough to pay residuals that keep the artists as well off as they once were? And in my view you can’t look a the Netflix CEO pay as evidence the industry is doing well. While there may be a relation, dropping the exec pay to $100k isn’t going to change anything.
  6. That’s over half church attendance. Can’t have others see that you weren’t there.
  7. One thing that I’ve never understood about prayer in school is that there are zero barriers to kids waking up early and praying for hours, if that is their wish. And guess what, school will be over by 4, and they have 12+ uninterrupted hours to pray before the next school day. praying at school or on the sports field is purely for show.
  8. All of those underwater red states will still get 2 senators and 3 electoral votes for the 25 total residents, who live on a houseboat.
  9. I believe that the top actors deserve their pay, after all Tom Cruise brings in audience just with his name and his promotions of a film. But a union should be arguing for the rank and file even if that means less money for the top. but we will see the PR videos of top actors walking the picket lines or buying food and drinks for their fellow actors. finally it’s interesting to me that the president of the actors union always appears to be a well known actor who has made plenty of bank. Wouldn’t a better rep be someone that none of us have heard of?
  10. What’s the over/under in months that Ballard announces that he has separated from his wife and is now in a “brand new” relationship with his cofounder? And those two items are completely unrelated to each other. https://thespearfund.org/
  11. I don’t blame them for striking but it’s a bit disingenuous to ask for fair wages when the top 1% of the acting labor force must take home 80% of the compensation for all actors. (I don’t know the numbers but the top must make a high %.)
  12. You don't have to listen long to some of the right wing or libertarian influencers to understand how they view women. Many, not all, openly say that women should neither have the right to vote nor have the ability to divorce except in rare cases. It has a religious fundamentalist feel to it. And while these extremes may not be currently championed by the main GOP party, peripheral ideas are being pursued. Such as how DeSantis recently led the effort to eliminate permanent alimony in FL. Advocating for men doesn't mean that someone is anti-women but many of these ideas are pursuing anti-women laws to further their goals.
  13. There's a element in this country that solely rely on volume or ratings to determine worth. Examples include Trump and twitter followers or Aggies and the attendance levels at Kyle field. I agree that these metrics can equate to money but it doesn't necessarily equate to high value.
  14. As a GO resident I have mixed feelings about Fisher and Wakefield turning into a full-fledged entertainment district. I haven't been a big visitor to the current places and I wouldn't want to live next door to what is being built up on 19th and 20th. I don't live literally next door to Fisher/Wakefield but close enough. /old man rant
  15. Is the shipping container method that common with traffickers? I know that is shown on TV dramas like The Wire, but I didn't know if it was believed to be frequently employed. For some traffickers, is it difficult or expensive to get a travel visa for the people? I'm ignorant of what it takes to legally temporarily to get into the US and then overstay your visit.
  16. from that article: It doesn't appear to be much about protecting the children if they're released into the same environment within days.
  17. Colombia asked him to set up a sting operation and then they would arrest the bad guys when he gets everything on film? As a private citizen I would be worried about protecting myself since I have zero authority and I'm the one buying children for $25K. Who's to say these children weren't flat out kidnapped BECAUSE Ballard was asking for them. Or this entire story can be exaggerated.
  18. The closest that I can think about in terms of an actual pedo sex ring was the Dean Corll story in Houston. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dean_Corll
  19. I would argue that there is not a pedo sex ring at all in America. Zero. At any level. Not 800K kids disappearing and not even 1 in terms of a ring of people. Is it possible hypothetically that some group is kidnapping kids, or have kidnapped them in the past? Yes but even when a similar situation is uncovered, it makes the national news. One incident is one too many but this situation is being pursued like how satanic cults were pursued in the 80s. No one ever discovered one. The real victims are at-risk kids taken advantage of by teachers, coaches, preachers or even family. Perhaps the kid is not sold like in this made-up stories but the abuse is very real. Of course to stop this abuse, we need more govt intervention which the Right won't allow.
  20. I have a buddy who gets furious at other drivers. Practically seeing red. He doesn’t carry so I’m not worried about him shooting someone but I’ve told him to watch out in being the potential victim in these stories. Getting mad at another driver and expressing yourself has never helped someone.
  21. Why not both? If someone likes their S4 then also get an average SUV for trips or other errands. I know multiple vehicles for specific purposes sound or look extravagant to some but in my experience it can be very useful. And fun.
  22. Have a friend and more acquaintances that have setups like this at home. Part of their saturdays are driving around random liquor stores looking out for items on their wish list. I also believe that a trip across the state takes a few extra hours as they stop at small town stores. From what I can tell just talking to the small town liquor store owners often leads to a score. while I don’t get it the collection aspect, I find the people that collect to be very generous.
  23. @wackawacka not to turn this into a debate but is there a reason you seem adamant about not wanting a suv? For cross country trips with pets, it’s hard to beat a solid SUV that gives you plenty of room. And I understand that SUVs can just be overgrown station wagons bot grocery getters, but they offer a lot flexibility. on driving trips, SUVs can allow you to overpack.
  24. I don’t understand why anyone would want to start teaching in Texas today unless they had no other options. Same with many states.
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