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Nice Guy Eddie

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Nice Guy Eddie

  1. Other people serve much less time for murder. 30+ years is not a slap on the wrist. As for any sexual abuse from their father, who knows.
  2. The campaigns would actually agree with you 100%. The last thing they want to do is pay for targeting an ad to someone who has already voted. Waste of their resources. It's the tech and ad industry that is dragging their feet. EDIT: Makes me wonder if you mark that you've voted on Facebook, does that remove the ads? And actually this could work out well for Facebook as well. It makes targeted ads to the unvoted much more valuable. But then again it might be one of the demographic components that cannot be used in ad targeting.
  3. Is your concern that they're asking/paying for legal help when it's not necessary or of the amounts involved? I had a family member that was being emotionally abused by another relative that led to financial abuse. When I stepped in, and spoke to the small town bank, their informal comment was that they were worried there was something going on. But not worried enough to tell anyone! When my mom started rapidly failing mentally, I was lucky that she readily agreed to give up access to her accounts. I always told that I would help her buy whatever she needed as long as it wasn't impacting her long term financial needs. Then I stuck her in a cheap nursing home and bought a boat. (just kidding)
  4. I'm late to this news but I didn't realize that Trump turned over most of the GOTV work to Turning Point USA. As they were failing at it, except in parts of AZ, Trump's campaign handed the reins over to Elon. I feel much more confident that Elon won't be able to handle the job either, at least in the short term.
  5. Too many Texans are apathetic about voting. I helped with some Beto phone banks in 2018. That experience left me disheartened. My role wasn’t even to convince them to vote for Beto. It was only to see if they planned to vote and direct them where to find voting locations. After 90 minutes I never once got to the voting location part of the script.
  6. Tom Jarriel from ABC News. You couldn’t have watched the news from the 70s-90s and not recognized him. He was one of those news announcers that you might not know his name but his voice and face were familiar. learned his first job was Krpc in Houston.
  7. I respect all veterans even if I disagree with them on politics. But there a a few of them who immediately want you to know their veteran status so you have to thank them for their service. reminds me when you are talking to a random woman. You have absolute zero interest in her but the second sentence out of her mouth includes a reference to her boyfriend. Cool but I wasn’t going to ask for your number in a million years.
  8. Given the lack of oversight, I see the biggest poly market risk is just not getting paid, or they unilaterally decide the election has too many red flags to resolve it. Then you just get a refund. Predict It at least has a history of paying off based on the official results. The payout may take longer than you want but you can always sell a winning ticket to someone ok with the low arbitrage profit.
  9. He will use “reports of widespread early voting cheating by Harris’ Marxist allies and illegal aliens” as a get out the vote tactic and cover for when he loses.
  10. Apple and other streaming platforms are missing out by not offering a no-election ad option for $10.
  11. NV will come down to 20k votes but I don’t see how anyone thinks Trump has it in the bag. Rosen is polling 5-8 points up on the GOP challenger. Can there be many Trump-Rosen voters? Feels like a stretch to me.
  12. One thing to remember is that 2020 had 5 additional days of early voting compared to 2016 and 2024. While these comparison charts may demonstrate enthusiasm, I would assume that 2024 won't surpass 2020 by the end of early voting.
  13. I guarantee that there are some who were Jeb Bush’s supporters in 2016 and they ended up at the Capitol on Jan 6th and have a yard full of MAGA signs today. One step at a time.
  14. I actually know someone else who fits your ex-friend's description 100%, and makes me wonder if it's the same person. Or there are just many of them.
  15. Would a red wave taking most or all of the swing states put trumps win at 65-104? IF the polls are all off by 5 points of a hidden Trump vote, I could see that being the outcome. The no side of that bet is $0.72 which seems like a decent payout for an unlikely event.
  16. Don't disagree with these comments and since he's shifted to more outspoken opinions, I haven't gone out of my way to spend time with him.
  17. Have a friend who doesn't care one bit about girls sports but he's fired up about trans issues and goes on about boys in girls sports. He sees it as the govt is pushing the woke agenda on us when life was fine before this. He won't listen to arguments that the GOP's stance is a solution looking for a problem. A few of us are confused by his passion on the topic. I could see that these ads are not about convincing anyone about the issue but doing everything possible to get people like my friend to vote. That's it.
  18. 1960's Tarzan, Ron Ely passed. https://apnews.com/article/ron-ely-dies-tarzan-c178710bd441325a8d242b5349454df3 From Hereford and Amarillo. As a kid of the 70s-80s, I recall he was a game show host (Name that Tune?) for a while and it was always mentioned that he was Tarzan. the following is a horrible event for his family a couple of years ago:
  19. I’ve heard they can lose on some drugs by accepting GoodRx. They have the right to refuse but they may lose the customer and other high margin prescriptions. The real enemies in the systems are the pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) who are almost always the large pharmacy chains. They sit back quietly, raking in huge profits, and let the drug manufacturers take all of the public hate.
  20. I never understand why each party doesn’t find someone to put up against an incumbent that will easily win. Find a party loyalist and they don’t have to campaign. It at least forces the other party to put some effort to win.
  21. If he wins and she’s nominated, at least she will get grilled by the Dems in the senate.
  22. Good points. Too many people look to the President to fix everything. “Undecided voter Eddie here. Ms. Harris what policies will you enact on day 1 that will get me to exercise before work each day? I also hate that my backyard needs to be mowed once per week in August. Can you stretch that out to 2 weeks?”
  23. And companies can’t really lower prices now because their employees have all received wage increases that won’t come down. And they also have suppliers who won’t drop their prices. We had craziness for a couple of years but prices have now stabilized.
  24. And there won’t be any price controls. There are risks to living in a capitalistic system when demand outgrows supply.
  25. I dislike that Harris can’t just say that grocery prices aren’t coming down. I know that we would all love our grocery bill to drop 25% but it’s impossible and actually would be detrimental at this point. What we need is what is occurring where wages and expenses are finding a new equilibrium. are all workers willing to turn their wages back to 2019 levels to get groceries back to 2019 levels? I vote no to that.
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