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Everything posted by BearMace

  1. That's amazing. The sound that comes out of that dude! I kept starting it over at the 9 second mark.
  2. Damn. Knew this was coming, but fucking cancer? Fuck that. RIP Homie.
  3. So is there a consensus on the replacement for imgur? What works, is free, and preferably has mobile apps?
  4. Take your FlovaScotia first or you won't find it.
  5. Syndrome of the Downs edit: didn't read, too slow. I'll go with Syndrome of a Fetal Alcohol
  6. Qft. Someone needs to compile a The Shag's (fuck you Kevin) Guide to Women. This place has it figured out as much as any other collective group and in a way people can either relate to or go fuck themselves. Anyone considering marriage should have to read the Wives and Stupid Shit thread and pass a Surly grilling on what they learned.
  7. This. It's about that funk. You gotta wash your (gl)ass!!
  8. That would never work. She'd check the door first. Limits the fun.
  9. I've always been curious if she tried to blow a hole in the floor or a wall during her "testing".
  10. Vic's Farmers Only alter-ego?
  11. I concur. It actually might be more impressive if Dirt Bike were a creation.
  12. Dammit, I really want Dirt Bike to be real, but the family Pepper Spray hide and seek is pushing the limits of what I can fathom.
  13. Yeah, that was a security bar that should have been off during business.
  14. You guys are really laying it all out there. Damn.
  15. https://gifsound.com/?gifv=lwM5j4w&v=ZnHmskwqCCQ&s=3
  16. Not following. Bidet doesn't make you shit faster. You used to do a lot of reading while you wiped?
  17. Saw this place by Fair Park and thought of this thread.
  18. Wtf kind of hipster shit is this?
  19. Further, if you're the lunch mule CALL THAT SHIT IN!!
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