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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by mchookem

  1. what is that, an in memoriam for ants?? yeah, that's some bullshit.
  2. uh, yeah. i broke out my bike and have been grilling outside for almost a month now. nice fake out, Denver! about 18 inches so far, with another 6-8 hours steady snowfall tonight. definitely the biggest snow since we've been here... and it snowed a lot last winter. impressive!
  3. i haven't gotten a Texas flag but i did get this before we left Austin 🤘🧡
  4. Hair, Once Upon a Time in America, Smooth Talk (my personal fav), Deep End of the Ocean, 1941, Prince of the City, Devil's Own...i mean he was in quite a few movies. pretty glaring omission imo.
  5. are you hormonal? haha just kidding. enjoyed reading this and share some of the sentiment (except my family roots are deep east Texas).
  6. right?? like if they don't have any footage of him wandering around barefoot, how is everybody so sure he was? also that kid that disappeared in Nashville is 6'5" !! how big were the guys that managed to nab him?? 😳
  7. oh that is some gotdamn fucking BULLSHIT 🤬
  8. wait...i thought Paxton and Abbott managed to primary and upset a good number of supposed 'reasonable' republican incumbents in Texas, thus ensuring an even further lurch to the right?? and aren't Abbott's recent approval ratings in like the 60s or something? admittedly i'm not paying that much attention. because i escaped already lol.
  9. my mate is going on a fishing trip this week... so i just got a ticket to see it again in IMAX friday, oh yeah! trying to remember the last movie i saw more than once in a theater...i think it might have been Heat 🤔
  10. omg i hope this wins so much🤣🤣🤣 Billie already has an oscar anyway.
  11. AHHAHAHAHA this is fucking awesome
  12. made me cry, was not expecting that. i love that they let him finish. Zendaya...maybe needs to eat a sandwich? i mean has she always been that thin? seems she had more substance in Euphoria but that's been a couple years now.
  13. that was the best acceptance speech this award season. hell yeah.
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