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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Ignatius

  1. I remember it as “Rat shit/bat shit/fuck” but could be totally wrong…
  2. Don’t ask me man; all 6’11”, 400 lb black men I see in person in New Orleans all look the same to me….
  3. I’m definitely warming up to Stroud. The #1 knock on him seems to be he didn’t play on a team with average players so nobody knows what he’ll look like when he does. To me that’s an unknown and not a negative, but WTF do I know. I’m still partial to Young because of the mobility factor, but see previous statement….
  4. I read an article fairly recently about this but can’t find a link. Basically, all coach’s contracts contain language that essentially says (I’m not a lawyer) “in the event you retire, we still own your coaching rights until the end of this contract. If you want to un-retire and go to another NFL team, it’s completely up to us if you get to”….
  5. Except that the former two teams are both really, really good at football…
  6. I’m waiting for ShitShowerShave to stop lurking and register so I can say the same thing to him…
  7. Definitely not, but that’s the ‘story’ we’re going to be hearing….
  8. Especially if they’re playing really well when they pick up that foul. Guy’s on fire shooting and you’re going to sit him for 5-7 minutes?
  9. Hah I just said that to the people I’m watching the game with; the second the game is over, that’s all you’ll hear about Allen until at least this time next year….
  10. No fucking way this team should trade draft picks for a coach or for the #1 pick. Shit I’d trade the lower of our first or Cleveland’s first in 2024 for Lance before I’d deal either of this years picks…
  11. Philly does as good a job of hiring coaches and drafting/developing players as any team in the league the last 6-7 years. They’re a well-run organization….
  12. I think Steve Breaston just returned another kickoff 50+ yards…
  13. Cool; I just IMed Immamac, I’ll gladly shell out for a seat, just need to know if that’s the preferred route vs another one. Im in the heart of cracker-ass Dawg land so I can’t make it no matter where it is….
  14. On #1, are the 10 full already, and/or is it still better to do #2 (lol)?
  15. Maybe the owner is fucking the bartender and doesn’t GAF that he’s being ripped off. Would not be the first time that played out…
  16. Agreed; a true small town has no franchise fast food. If you have a Sonic or DQ, you’re not truly a small town…. EDIT - Unless you’re 1-2 miles off the exit of an interstate/major state highway
  17. Falling from the 14th pick in October to 3rd at the end of the year is apparently a great way to get fired as head coach…
  18. Behind PornHub and Rotten.com, this is the greatest site in the history of the internet…
  19. Man, if the Texans decide to build out the core first and worry about the young franchise QB later, he’s not a bad choice for a 1 year prove-it deal….
  20. Yeah and the market is that every time an NFL franchise sells it breaks a record; it doesn’t matter if the seats are empty…
  21. I’d rather use #12 on Will Levis or Anthony Richardson than use it on a fucking coach…
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