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927 E. 41st

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Everything posted by 927 E. 41st

  1. Random thoughts: 1. Baylor (HAHAHAHAHHAHA) 2. Keeping the Big XII together seems to be a fools errand, but only being considered while the marketable schools find a better path. 3. If one or two more leave, I think it becomes obvious to everyone that it's over. 4. If the Big XII folds, who do we make the check out to? 5. I seriously doubt TCU to the Pac, Cal Berkley was adamant last time that they would vote against any religious school, I don't think they would admit a school with Christian in their name and have any leg to stand on in the future. 6. I remember being told by a trusted source that our move to the Pac was a "done deal" last time. Then he called me up and said "the networks just offered crazy money to stay together" (Paying the remaining schools the same as if they were 12) and the whole thing stopped. This aint over until it's over. 7. Same source says "Sharp is doing everything he can" to stop us. 8. See #1
  2. A smile is on my face every time I think of just how screwed Baylor would be.
  3. I opted out last year, what's the story with the e-tickets? When are they finalized and available?
  4. Every year I spent in section 6 they hit me up for seat pads/ seat backs. I would be REALLY surprised if they don't hit you up at least twice. Once by mail.
  5. True. I had heard some rumblings during the Mackovick era, but nothing like what I heard during the Herman era (Both frustrating times).
  6. As a general rule, I've been in favor of movement (pre-portal it was usually departures). If you have someone who is not happy for any reason, and it's to the point that they are remotely considering leaving, I believe they should go. If you have new blood that want's in, that is a net positive. I'm also sick of hearing (mostly from the Herman era) of guys negative recruiting their own team. With the portal there is no reason for it. I'm even more in favor of it with a new coach coming in. Sark has set the tone of the operation by now and if that isn't helping then it is time to go. How often have I heard "wait til the new coach gets his guys" this type of movement will speed up that process. I know you are referencing what people say about their talent levels, and I'm speaking of attitude. For guys with the right attitude I think you can give up a little on the talent side of the equation. Ideally we can have both. I wish him well and hope he finds what he's looking for.
  7. Did selection at 1:35 today, looks like good bit of inventory so far. I made a slight adjustment in seats and picked up two more for my daughters. I used to have the locked in donation, but got the rambling feet so my "donation' is now four times what it was. I really hope Sark gives me something to watch this year. We just did a Vegas vacation and I think I could have paid for it twice with what I just forked over.
  8. A wise man once told me "Smart beats good looking, funny beats smart".
  9. I have prayed often that God would spare me from such a loss. I don’t know how you deal with it. About five years ago I saw a man on TV that had lost his 20 year old daughter. The local reporter asked how he felt. I momentarily had the thought of “what a stupid question, how do you think he feels”. Then he changed my outlook for the rest of my life. He said “if before she was born God had come to me and said you can have her, but only for 20 years, I would have said send her on to us. He just looked like a regular guy, maybe a farmer or rancher but it seems to me he possesses powerful wisdom.
  10. If they could trade him to Philly I think it would align nicely with a lot of things up there.
  11. Don't let them get to you, they are the same idiots that said we were racists for firing Charlie Strong. Completely ignoring that if race had been a thing, we wouldn't have hired him. Despite being disappointed at the loss and yes it's time to get a new coach, Smart is still a better head coach in his sport than Strong is in his.
  12. I understand, my Dad was in the Pacific during WWII, he had a hard time forgiving Japanese people for shooting at him. Easy enough to understand. I would say the people you have a problem with are gone.
  13. I hear you and it is of course your choice, however, no products have been produced for Hitler or by Hitlers government for quite some time now. Nor any factories that Hitler built, nor workers in the plants that were soldiers for Hitler. And if you're all about that, there should also be no Japanese cars or products, or Chinese products. I've heard it said that failure to forgive is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.
  14. I think you're spot on. For a donor of long standing or great means, it's not really necessary to say much. And it would be a courtisy to let them know you are about to pull your funding and why. Otherwise, if you just pull the funding you really didn't give them the chance to have a conversation about your concerns. Would work the same way no matter which side of a particular fence you're on.
  15. It was not in any way relevant to the job she was applying for. It was respected and understood why she left it off. The position she was applying for (got) has historically had about 2% females. No matter what anyone has done (and a lot has been tried over the years) the number has stayed almost exactly at 2%.
  16. I never really looked at as a plus or a minus. Had the discussion with a friend involved in the hiring process where I work a few years back, we came to the conclusion that you like it there, and they like you enough to keep you that must be something of a plus. Once, he was interviewing a female candidate (and prided himself on finding faults or omissions in your resume) She was a strikingly beautiful woman. However, he finds a year unaccounted for on her resume. When he asked her about it she blushes for a moment (he thinks he's found some big fault to focus on) then she takes a deep breath and says "that was the year I was Miss California". Oh, good answer.
  17. Perhaps he will do well in the more subordinate position. Some people just don't handle positions of power very well and yet do just fine lower down in the structure. There was a guy where I work that (after he was promoted) had so many people refuse to work with him, that he was "offered the option" of transferring to... Chicago! His other option was to be fired.
  18. Not sure, I was 18 and trying to suppress a full gut laugh while this guy told the sad story. I likely missed some details!
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