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927 E. 41st

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Everything posted by 927 E. 41st

  1. Simply because it should NEVER be the case. How many D-1 football players does the state of Washington produce in a year? If Charlie and Tom had done even a half ass job at recruiting the position we would NEVER see a day where we are talking about poaching guys from freaking Washington State! It does more than pain me, it pisses me off.
  2. As much as it pains me to say it, I’m willing to bet they have at least two o linemen that could improve our performance.
  3. This. You won't win many games without at least serviceable O line work.
  4. Ole's on Sandy Lake in Coppell. Very good Fajitas and salsa, good variety and solid offerings in all categories, good prices.
  5. While Horn of Gabriel makes some good points, I see a lot of improvement. i think the biggest if is IF (and how much) we continue to improve. Charlie's teams seemed to get worse as the season went on( the special teams and tackling still give me PTSD), Tom's showed marginal improvement (mostly on QB power plays). If this had been a Herman team, I wouldn't have given us any chance after the Arkansas debacle. We have a long way to go, and yes we need the Jimmys and Joes. All considered, I like the coaching staff a LOT better than any we have had in 10 years or so.
  6. Not to hijack, but I was in Nashville last month. Did a morning walk that included Vanderbilt. Their stadium is on campus and at first blush it looks like it would need multi-millions in work to be the equal of the Cotton Bowl. Most of the campus is beautiful though.
  7. Yeah I live just NE of DFW, I'm still in (corrupt) Dallas county but not by much. It was just short of an hour to get from the place I parked to my local Tex-Mex hole in the wall of choice.
  8. Not by a long shot. I first went in '79 and yes it has improved, just not kept pace with the rest of the stadium world. I still get stuck driving down there, and it's my least favourite part. The outbound traffic has the second most suckagge of anything there. We did the pre game get together at the African-Amercian Museum, then over to the stadium about 10:15. Went in the B gate because A was jammed. They didn't say anything about the wrong gate, but the guy about 4 in front of had a ticket that wouldn't scan, seemed to think that maybe if he got her to just keep trying it, it would work. After about try 32 they made him move. I managed to get waters for everyone from a walk around vendor before KO, after that you are on your own, I didn't come here to eat or drink. I came here to watch my team and yell "OU SUCKS" so much and so loud that I can't talk the next day. I accomplished that one this year and many in the past.
  9. I guess we could go with the Aggy, "we are awful" approach. I've been to all of our games so far except for Arky and I've seen a lot of improvement. Yeah, this sucks but if you want to go full Aggy and wallow in self pity I can't join you. Last year we had a line coach that was so screwed up that our NFL pick is considered "raw". Fixing the line is going to take time, but the Texas O and D lines that played today would beat the lines that we fielded at Arky.
  10. The Team played hard and they continue to play better. If we play that well the rest of the way (and I'm less worried about up and down play than I have been in a while) we will have a chance at redemption in December. All that said, I can't wait until we have good to great line work on both sides. I see progress, but more is obviously necessary.
  11. I may have told this previously when telling of the campus visit to A&M with youngest daughter (the one in her second year at UT, and no, no pictures). As we walk past the "dead dog plaza", my daughter says "what is this?" I explain what it is and that they spent something like a million dollars on it. She stares at it for few seconds and asks "Adults did this?" I was trying to be neutral for the sake of her tour so I said "well, Aggy adults."
  12. I believe your wishes will come true, I also think he’s in the right field of endeavor, since his arrogance is unlikely to get anyone killed.
  13. I'm 10/10 glad that Tom is gone, I hated the stubbornness, arrogance and immaturity he demonstrated multiple times during his tenure. However, I was happy when he got here and was pretty sure just about anyone could do a better job of pointing us in the right direction than Charlie. He did leave us in better shape than Charlie. That and having an A.D. and President pulling together has me hopeful/ optimistic. I don't hold any ill will toward Charlie or Tom, but I'm overjoyed that they are gone.
  14. My Dad was a Dr. in Austin. He was always busy, always had his beeper going off but he made time for us kids where he could. First home game of the magical '69 season he takes me watch us pound Tech 49-7. It was great and I got to spend time with my dad, what's not to like! For the '70 season we were in section 6. We had those seats until 2018 and until Covid I think I had missed less than 5 home games since '69.
  15. I strongly agree with you. I was very sceptical of Sark when he was hired. While I believe in second chances, I feel like they usually have a coin flip of a chance. As the months have gone by, I've really come to like him. Even more so after todays press conference. The man is stable, smart and calm. He has confidence in his staff and didn't resort to throwing anyone under the bus. Even after Saturdays debacle I feel good about our future.
  16. Seems like I'd be in favor of voting them in if you release me from my grant of rights.
  17. From my sisters house in Round Rock… FIGHT!!!
  18. I have my fun car and I like to drive it, it probably looks more like the guy on the right. It's also totally useless most of the time. I end up taking either my truck or the SUV, they look a lot more like the guy on the left.
  19. I'm already getting hit for $3000 per seat, are you saying I can get better football AND a deal?
  20. That's the key. We could tolerate more of a LHF increase in the past, as you could always justify that you weren't getting hit with the whole increase. Now, a $10 face value increase hits everyone, not just the 18% or so in the LHF.
  21. I've never placed a bet at a Vegas sports book, but if any of them come up with a prop bet on the survival time of the Big 12, I'm in. I would also like to put cash down on Baylor out of power 5 within two years. I might not win, but the idea of it gruntels me!
  22. I would imagine he is following whatever the Scientologist are telling their folks to do.
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