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927 E. 41st

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Everything posted by 927 E. 41st

  1. I'm pretty sure there are high school kids that could come in and take a majority of the spots on the roster.
  2. You haven't missed a whole lot, and sorry, guess my sarcasm meter is mis-calibrated.
  3. I'm going to bet you've never spent a lot of time in West Virginia. Some guys on a different thread are bitching about BMDs. That is the stadium you get without BMDs.
  4. Pretty sure the LHF was formed to be the PSL sales front that it is. Dodds wasn't as $ centric as Patterson, but he wasn't that far off.
  5. Was it different in '05 ? Maybe a few of the names were different. Not trying to be disrespectful to your position, but I don't see "If we win the money will come in".
  6. So what do you propose? Don't take money from donors? As I outlined, almost no one will blindly donate large sums. If it's not worth it, either side can say "no thanks".
  7. Well, at least one guy on here has a grip on reality. Can I add that it's also pretty clear who never donated to anything. Just to clarify what I mean, let's say you are in a position to donate $50,000 a year to a University or any other organization. You've been doing it for years, everybody is happy. Then they announce one day they are considering something that you can't support, perhaps even something you find abhorrent. You basically have three choices, you can. 1. Continue to donate (not gonna happen). 2. you can give them a call and say "hey I won't be going down this road with you, if you do this, I'm done." (so at least they know in advance that your contribution will dry up.) 3. Say nothing, let them implement the change and then stop writing the checks with no warning. (This will probably get you a lot of phone calls from them, but in all likelihood the damage is done). Do you really think that successful people are in the habit taking option 1 or 3?
  8. I would like to buy the one wheedling the shotgun dinner at Del Frisco's sometime, if he's ever in my neck of the woods.
  9. I've come to view coaching firings like a turnover on the field. I've heard it said that a turnover wipes out 100 yards of offense. We keep fumbling (having ZERO patience and knee jerking to the pain of a bad season) and we will be right here for the foreseeable future. This guy knows how to coach, and hired a better staff than we've had since Mack was here. There is no one you could bring in that would fix it any faster. No matter where this quote originated, it appears to be appropriate for our situation. "Americans can always be counted on to do the right thing…after they have exhausted all other possibilities."
  10. 927 E. 41st

    CDC letter

    For the best reason in the world.
  11. Vacant positions are not always a negative. I know some guys that wish they had left the wife position available, but just settled for "the best available this year".
  12. Okay, I've heard this story from multiple sources I trust. It's been a while, so I might miss some of the specifics. This was during Charile's tenure, he wins a big game(I think it was OU bout could have been the ND game) and he wants to generate more recruiting buzz and needs to act quickly. They come up with flyer or pamphlet they want to produce and send out to recruits. Apparently even ass face Patterson was onboard, then Plonsky wants to have her say. She has it redesigned to give equal emphasis to all of the goings on with women's sports. According to what I heard, it was pretty much impossible for a recruit to get the originally intended message. In the end Charlie just said "never mind" and the opportunity to capitalize was lost. I've heard other things over the years, but I haven't really worried as much since CDC was made AD of all sports. I think she will stay and muddy the waters as much as she can, but I don't think she can do much at this point.
  13. Addition by subtraction perhaps?
  14. SIAP but, we are seeing the fruits of the "three/four year coaching spiral", poor no, EXTREMELY POOR player development and to some degree poor evaluation and mismatch of talent and scheme. There is plenty of overlap between these problems. For example, the instability (while necessary) has put a huge hole in player development. The bad news has been none of it is a quick fix. The good news is, this is the first coach in the last 3 to hire a competent staff. Can you imagine haveing 3-4 position coaches, basically a new one every year to 18 months and trying to make sense of yet another new scheme? That's what some of our players have been through. How in the hell can you develop players when you are constantly changing their coaches and in some cases changing their position.
  15. Not sure what else could befall them. Maybe find out the new stadium was built with asbestos or uranium?
  16. Daisy 12/21/09 - 03/30/21 Accidents are one thing, but carelessness to this degree is another. Thanks to him somebody did lose a daughter. I would hope the NFL or at least the team would make him the poster child for what can happen, but as noted in this thread he's not the first. As to the dust up going on here, I don't think it means much. Value life any way you wish, but somebody lost a daughter needlessly. In a similar situation I'd rather have my daughter back than the dog in the picture, and I still can't look at picture without my allergies causing my eyes to water. I can't imagine what they are going through, and God save me from ever experiencing it. "Its a hell of a thing, killing a man. You take away everything he's got and everything he's ever gonna have."- Bill Munny (Unforgiven)
  17. Got a laugh out of his dad's tweet that implied Baker Bunghole wasn't throwing him the ball because he's a racist. What's the old saying, "Never Attribute to Malice That Which Is Adequately Explained by Stupidity." (or incompetence)
  18. Some great points, Snacks. I believe there is also overlap between our O line problems and our constantly changing staff. I think the Herman offense, while predictable (and constantly exposing your QB to injury/not a system that will get you anywhere) managed to hide the O lines deficiencies much better than our current playbook. Now that we are trying to play a style of football that the OUs and Bamas of the world win with, the components that are lacking are BADLY exposed and fixing it will take time. That's not a message most want to hear.
  19. Charlie vs. Tom, so now we're arguing over the relative superiority of cow shit or horse shit? It's usually AD speak, but in this case it's apropos for either one of them. "the program wasn't headed in the right direction".
  20. You’d have to think that some of Briles “character” was formed at Tech. Do they have the character to take a pass on him?
  21. Yes, cleanliness is only second to safety with those assholes. I hope there is a special level of hell waiting for the folks that put these "murder pills" out on the street.
  22. Well, then we are largely in agreement. Taking street drugs is playing Russian roulette, especially now.
  23. Not sure I understand your problem with personal responsibility. I'm big on personal responsibility, but that doesn't make me a one trick pony. Being a believer in personal responsibility doesn't mean I'm good with people or their kids dying from foreign made and obviously dangerous drugs.
  24. I think it's going to depend on how you define it. How about looking at the after effects, like firing your coach. If you look at it like that I'd like to make a case for...
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