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Fudge Nuggets

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Everything posted by Fudge Nuggets

  1. Lucky for you, Florida fan doesn't have to worry about it.
  2. This part... "They expect us to put up the lives of my brothers and sisters in uniform to protect them when they are not even willing to do that for themselves." Now instead of referring to NATO members, imagine she's talking about the 0.01% in this country and the vast majority of politicians and how they don't send their own kids to be cannon fodder.
  3. Zombie Washington: "You know, we pretty much fucked up that second amendment thing back in the day. If elected, I'm going to make sure it is re-written to something more appropriate for the current times." Trump wins the election 70% to 30%.
  4. And the surly law brigade gets all pissy when we say you should fix your shit.
  5. This bongo player wasn't having none of OP's bullshit.
  6. Don't most get the look of total fear in their eyes before you kill them?
  7. Bumrah to sit out the fourth test. India going to really be rolling with a true C team. Like I said before, break out a rank turner and bowl them to dust with Ashwin, Jadeja, Kuldeep, and Axar. Siraj can be the lone quick.
  8. Even as a non lawyer I still understand the idea of hearsay.
  9. That article never says Biden himself planned to be a 1-term president. The article says "unnamed insiders speaking on the condition of anonymity" were certain he would only be a 1 term president. Kind of a big difference.
  10. 'its' Details matter if you're going to trash talk politicians being weak on education.
  11. It will never change until some big companies decide to pack up and leave. But the biggest free-loaders of society ain’t walking away from all these tax breaks.
  12. I don't think a Russian oligarch is wasting his time laundering $9K.
  13. Long time ago, I banged a Hooters waitress for a couple of months. She moved to Cleveland then about a year later started doing porn.
  14. Which ad blockers are you using? Mine have made YouTube slow down to a crawl.
  15. Good job, Bill. Cat facts incoming...
  16. Make sure to roll your head side to side for full points.
  17. I've never listened to a DMB song to the finish. I've developed some serious cat-like reflexes in changing stations whenever one does come on the radio.
  18. These dipshits kept saying Hillary was going to be the "secret last second nominee" during the 2020 election cycle. They've cried wolf before and it didn't work, no reason to think it will work now.
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