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Fudge Nuggets

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Everything posted by Fudge Nuggets

  1. They will revert back to the classics... Guns, God, Gays.
  2. I don't participate in any of the above because I rule.
  3. I guess OP is butthurt over this because his article was not accepted for publication.
  4. I'll admit I had no clue who was who in our school board elections and figured most if not all candidates would be GQP pieces of shit because Montgomery County. However, on my way to the polling place I noticed the house up the road had a yard sign for one of the candidates and said yard back in 2020 had a Biden / Harris sign. I wrote down the candidate's name and when I got to the polling place there was another sign with that candidate's name along with three other names for different positions. I noted all the names and that's who I wound up voting for; being that I am an informed voter and shit. Pretty sure everyone of those candidates gained less than 15% of the vote because Montgomery County.
  5. God damnit, if you can't trust International Supply Chain Tech Journal; then who can you trust?
  6. I posted it when they were doing the election for the school board here that several of those annoying "Mama Bears" were at the polling place handing out flyers. When one approached me, I asked her how many fucking books she was planning to burn. She moved down the line to the rube behind me and got a more receptive voter.
  7. I wish he would say the same thing to Abbott today.
  8. I don't think that's how blackmail is supposed to work.
  9. It fucking sucks. My kid checked a book out of the school library last week and I get a daily email saying "Your kid has this book on loan... blah blah blah... " just hoping a parent will throw a fit and ask for it to be banned. Edit to add: I saw a Nikki Haley yard sign this weekend. I'm surprised the house hasn't been burned down yet.
  10. And Joe Niekro’s knuckleball sandwiched between them. That would be a frustrating three game series for opposing batters.
  11. That's better. Way to go little guy; we knew you could do it.
  12. And an admission charge along with fully stocked gift shop.
  13. Every year I keep one spare vacation day in my back pocket to use the day after he dies. In my old age, I might need to up it to two days since I will have the hangover of all hangovers.
  14. In order to meet next year’s goals, we need to increase revenues and reduce costs. Any questions?
  15. Yet put those names together and you get one of the best RFs in MLB. Go figure.
  16. You need to add another 24-96 hours for the stop over in Pattaya if you're making that drive. Gotta get your freak on.
  17. My right-wing psycho grudge fuck would be Michelle Malkin. I would do my best to tear up that Pinay poonanny.
  18. A lot of people. People straight out of central casting with tears in their eyes. Some of them may be rocking back and forth on their heels while whistling Dixie; or so I was led to believe.
  19. Left too many runs unscored in the first innings. There were probably three cases where a batsman was set and threw away their wicket due to pure stupidity. Thank goodness for a great innings from Jaiswal.
  20. The hand wringing started with a poster that recently changed jobs into the LNG industry. I can see how that would skew one’s perception on things.
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