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Fudge Nuggets

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Everything posted by Fudge Nuggets

  1. Posters worried about access to porn because of this are probably the same posters that started shotgun posting here so they could have enough posts to qualify for IPIHB access. Those people suck at internetting.
  2. But in true GQP fashion, he suffered zero consequences. His victim even had to apologize to him for getting shot in the face.
  3. Two posts about low-list actors and their shittiness, and no one brought up the OG?
  4. No way W is saying anything. Dotard is the only reason he’s not the worst and most hated former President in history.
  5. This is just a theory, but hear me out. I think his being good at football may have been a contributing factor.
  6. I periodically check the DT and football boards. My bar is set very low.
  7. It rained about four days in January. How much more you going to ask for? [/sarcasm]
  8. Yeah, but 99% of criminals are black [/fatty]
  9. There’s some groundbreaking journalism. Pulitzer prize incoming.
  10. Electric vehicles don't produce carbon monoxide. Besides, aren't these charging stations out in the open, i.e. well ventilated?
  11. You arguing with the CC expert? What is you thinking?
  12. Ooooooh, another scathing editorial about the fucked up state of things. I'm sure this one will make a difference.
  13. Google had net income of nearly $74bln last year. Broke ass bitches.
  14. He's just saying there is a big difference between price and value.
  15. I’m always amused by the people that complain about how expensive food is in airports. Did you not know you were going to the airport, can you not go a few hours without shoveling food into your mouth? Plan ahead ffs.
  16. Adult actress, Sophia Leone, apparently the victim of a robbery / homicide.
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