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Fudge Nuggets

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Everything posted by Fudge Nuggets

  1. Hydrostatic pressure is a function of depth, so pressure on the rear doors = pressure on the side doors.
  2. And everyone knows how well Asians can handle their liquor.
  3. So we were doin' paramedical work in affiliation with the state highway system. Not actual practice, you understand. And me & Bill were patrolling down Nine Miles. Bill Roberts? No, not that mother-scratcher. Bill Parker. Anyway, we're approaching the wreck, and there's this spherical object a restin' in the highway. And it's not a piece of the car.
  4. Following up, all is good in casa de Fudge. The boy got accepted to West Point today. He's kind of a big deal now.
  5. I'm sure Garland has his top men working on it in shifts.
  6. I'm sure Garland has his top men working on it in shifts.
  7. Uber and Lyft are fuckted.
  8. Our legal / court system are complete fucking jokes.
  9. When he doesn't come back from the dead I'm asking all the magats, "Where's your orange Jesus now, mother fucker?"
  10. He might die. That would be cool.
  11. I still say he should pardon El Chapo and drop him off at Mar a Lago.
  12. I'm firmly in the camp that believes KSA are a bunch of cunts, but what do they get out of the good old USA falling apart? Iran would whip their asses so fast if we weren't around to back them up.
  13. I still remember the day the JV was announced. There was chortling and guffawing at our office when the name was publicized.
  14. Isn’t 250% inflation about 400% below normal for them?
  15. I remember back in 2020 when dotard started entering Air Force One through the cargo hold doors instead of going up the bigly stairs to the normal human entrance. Not a peep from the dipshits about vigor and energy.
  16. I thought election denial, COVID misinformation and other well known conspiracy theories / Russian lies were perma-ban worthy ‘round here. I guess immamac needs the dues.
  17. Posters worried about access to porn because of this are probably the same posters that started shotgun posting here so they could have enough posts to qualify for IPIHB access. Those people suck at internetting.
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