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Fudge Nuggets

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Everything posted by Fudge Nuggets

  1. FSU d-line is running a train on The U’s o-line.
  2. I could see going for 2 if there were four minutes or so left in the game because then you might have a shot at getting two more possessions. In this case, no.
  3. No it wasn’t. Kick the PAT and you are still mathematically in the game only needing one possession to potentially tie it. Miss the 2-pt and you need two more possessions. The goal is to keep the game alive as long as possible.
  4. yes. i haven’t watched a down of Suck 10 football all season and this game reminds me why.
  5. Until that TD it seemed the crowd was as bored as I am.
  6. This pedo state QB is slow as shit and fucking sucks.
  7. I just turned it on, does the Michigan QB have a separated shoulder or something?
  8. The poster in question is a highly rated dumbass.
  9. The YouTube algorithm sent me to a random geologist guy talking about a shit ton of seismic activity over the last day in Iceland. Apparently the earthquakes are getting stronger and have shifted location which according to said geology dude is indicative of magma movement. Iceland is known for some pretty bad ass volcanic eruptions and seems like they may be getting ready to pop off another one. Link to the earthquake tracker that he's using early in the video: https://vafri.is/quake/#close
  10. Looks like India will face their knockout nemesis New Zealand in the semis. Great.
  11. Maxwell is probably a little bit past his prime, but in the past he was one of the most fearsome batsmen in the world. Dude could score a lot of runs in a hurry. This match was a throwback to some of his destructive ways. Scoring 201 runs off 128 balls for a 157 strike rate is insane. You will see 157 strike rates but it's usually over 50 balls or fewer, not 128.
  12. They should rebuild it just for the hell of it.
  13. Shoney’s wasn’t that bad back the mid 80’s or so. I haven’t been in one since then so I have no idea what they’re like now, or if they still exist.
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