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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ChuckNorrisActionJeans

  1. Ah great, the one who said in a campaign appearance that she doesn't believe in teaching kids not to laugh at other kids who are different. On video, look it up. Nice encapsulation of this state's current values.
  2. Public education and the rule of law going bye bye.
  3. yeah that's not too cool but not sure what's a good way to discretely determine which primary you're voting in, if you have to get the ballot and feed it in the machine. My neighborhood is very lefty as am I generally, but I've voted in the R primary a number of times for obvious reasons. One time voting at my kid's elementary school, I'm in a robust line of people who are presumably neighbors when the poll worker asks me and I say "republican" and the workers ooh'd and aah'd like I was a zoo specimen and one said to another, "we've got one!" I was NOT pleased.
  4. please vote for the CCA judges who dared to cross Paxton (i.e., followed the law): Keller, Hervey, Slaughter (sigh)
  5. he looks more built for Olympics than football
  6. What a terrific analogy. Look at the big brain on TED --- unparalleled cleverness!
  7. Seems like that could have been sorted before now, but anyway... just an awful story all the way around.
  8. yeah I thought the PD's initial statements were highly inappropriate at that stage anyway... as an aside, what's with that article using male pronouns?
  9. weird. They both look like they have 6-year-old bodies with huge noggins but A Grande particularly looks like some kind of mentally challenged closet urchin who wears a sock on their head
  10. the whole idea of rights that aren't enumerated are reserved to the people is turned on its head by Christian nationalists. See, e.g., Alito, Thomas: if shit wasn't spelled out in law upon the founding of the country, that right doesn't exist. It's always set up to perpetuate the benefit of the landowning males who were the only ones with rights in practice back then. Therefore, we look for a "right to abortion" spelled out instead of a right of adults to bodily autonomy via life/liberty/pursuit of happiness/due process.
  11. This disgorgement makes me engorged.
  12. Thankfully and mercifully, I have never lived nor spent a ton of time in East Texas. But those who have in recent times -- is it still kosher *ahem* to go around in public around large groups of people without bothering to cover up your hardcore nazi ink?
  13. patience, locating the exact Stormfront post takes time
  14. The pill prevents ovulation, it's the much less commonly used "mini-pill" that allows fertilization and then prevents implanting.... not that the nutjobs actually care about that distinction in their crusade.
  15. A point of clarification: nearly all oral contraception prevents ovulation; it does not allow it and then act to prevent implantation. The exception is the progesterone-only "mini-pill" which is most often taken by women who are breastfeeding, so as to avoid estrogen passing to the baby. It keeps the lining of the uterus thin so as not to allow a fertilized egg to implant. Of course, that distinction is immaterial to those now going after the "the pill" writ large because most don't actually give a shit about whether there's a fertilized egg. They just want to return to the good old days of women lacking control over their fertility and getting punished and stigmatized via pregnancy and forced birth (obviously).
  16. I have three nieces, one is studying to be a PA, the other 2 in college/grad school. I hope they all get the fuck out of this or any other red state. Hell, I hope my son ends up elsewhere too so if he knocks a chick up, they aren't beholden to become teen parents if she doesn't want to go that route. Fuck. Shit affects everyone, not just women of childbearing age.
  17. Terrible incident but I mean, come the fuck on. I'm sure there are other torts they could have pursued for damages, but hey let's go for the big one -- wrongful DEATH? There was only one way this was gonna go with them taking it to the retrogrades on SCOA. I'm sure they had some predictable interest groups "helping" them out too. Good job, moronic dickweeds.
  18. I just love the reference in that opinion to the embryos as small people. Yea, though they were smol and frozen, and shivered in the depths of the clinic at Fourth and Main, I say to you that the righteous Alabama Man will protect thee because God gets mad if his image is effaced by the destruction of smols.
  19. Yeah, Garza can get gone. I know a lady who's ex-husband tried to kill her, twice. His current charge (agg assault-family violence w/strangulation) carries a 2-10 year range. But he's had MULTIPLE previous convictions, so he'd be enhanced with a range up to 99 years if they charged it right. Assistant DA is not involving my friend in court dates, isn't saying anything but that "nothing is happening" and hasn't even shown interest in my friend's audio recording of the assault. ADA did ask her what she'd like to see happen, and my friend basically said, 10 years. The ADA said "oh my boss would never go for that." If you're not pursuing violent crime and keeping the most dangerous fuckers like this one off the street, what the FUCK are you even doing as DA?
  20. Fraud Guarantee...... Sneaker Con ..... sensing a pattern and it's not very subtle.
  21. and as to the substance -- there's evidence he "willfully retained AND disclosed materials" but, ya know, just not enough to take it to trial? Bullshit
  22. what dafuq??? That is fucking insane that the special counsel did that shit in the report. I don't know anything about him, now I'm going to look at who this cocksucker is.
  23. has it been mentioned about the commercial with the big lady who says something like "who knew a tiny little prick could do so much?" I mean seriously
  24. I've been playing the game of voting in the R primary for some years now. These days, the R challengers most often take the position that the incumbent is not extreme enough.
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