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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hate

  1. They need to go for it here.
  2. Nice defense there. Let’s get some points.
  3. This looks like a well run and well coached team. Drive it right back again!
  4. Holy shit!!! That’s how you answer!
  5. Bend but don’t break. Need to answer here.
  6. Anything that happens going into this game is gravy. I never expected them to be where they are, especially after all of the injuries. CJ, DeMeco and Hannah have this heading in the right direction and it’s going to be fun to watch!
  7. But did he have a charismatic personality?
  8. I'm at the point in my life and career that a Friday night of listening to the good ole' Grateful Dead is EXACTLY what I need.
  9. I repped it for the areola.
  10. One of my very favorite things to do is to listen to follow Bobby during songs. I'm always so amused at the things I hear him play and how he just perfectly provides the spoke of the Jerry/Phil wheel. Here he is isolated for China Cat>I Know you Rider He's a special talent and I've always thought his part would be the hardest part to replace. That isn't to say that Jerry and Phil weren't just fucking brilliant, but part of their brilliance was due to being able to count on Bob.
  11. Best that I can offer is a dry January weekdays. It's time to get drunk!
  12. Bill and Hilary have a marriage of convenience. She has her own thing on the side. I couldn’t possibly care less that he had side pieces or that he got blown in the Oval Office simply because it’s been pretty clear by their actions over the years what kind of arrangement they had. Hell, she tried to help make the accusations against Bill go away. They have always been a business partnership and not what you would consider a marriage. I couldn’t possibly care less about the marriage part. The rape accusations and victim intimidation are a different story…but he is awfully charming.
  13. Username does not check out.
  14. The lesson here is that as long as you are super charismatic, rape allegations don’t mean much.
  15. First thing I would do with that rock is to see how many times I could skip it across water. first and only thing.
  16. I’m pretty confident futureman would pick the fisting.
  17. That car from Starksy and Hutch was the coolest car ever until the General Lee and those Duke Boys.
  18. Wait, Epstein wasn’t running a global pedophile ring and blackmailing the world’s elite? Isn’t that something that did happen that we can agree on?
  19. Hate


    I still love ROtJ, but it’s ok to say that Andor is better. I just finished my 3rd rewatch (maybe 4th) and it just gets better.
  20. Wait….there are 2 of her????
  21. Maybe, but eventually she’ll make pearls.
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