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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hate

  1. Heb is The Woodlands is no issue at all. Well stocked and not too crowded. Potato Soup up tonight for dinner.
  2. This is such a likable team. Like I've said before, I grew up in SA far away from the Dallas-Houston rivalry bullshit. I cheered for the Cowboys and Oilers, the Astros and the Rangers...not the Rockets, because fuck the Rockets. But I am so goddamn excited about this team and the next several years with DeMeco, CJ, and Will Anderson. The fact that they got 3 cornerstone players all in the same year?? I'm so much more excited about what the Texans have in front of them, regardless of what happens tomorrow, than the Cowboys and it isn't even close! I really hope I get to see happy crying Hannah tomorrow!
  3. We can't be the only ones getting drunk on a Friday night!! Where in the hell is drunk Surly??
  4. That Hammond B3 during Don't Ease Me In?? Hell yes!
  5. Well, that Franklin's Tower was just fantastic. Sometimes I enjoy a stand alone Franklin's and this one did not disappoint at all.
  6. And here I am after a long week at work unwinding by listening to the Grateful Dead. This only has one set, but holy shit that Phil BOMB in Jack Straw.
  7. Well, for the second time in two weeks, I have successfully completed dry work evenings. It's Friday though and imma bout to get shittay!
  8. And every 1 in 10 cartons was past its expiration date by a couple of weeks.
  9. I guess you could say he was an Angry Dolphin.
  10. This needs the Chariots of Fire music.
  11. Of all three, I think I hated the Warriors the most.
  12. I hate this as it’s clear Iran is just baiting us to try to escalate tensions even further in the region, but there is only so much we should take. The Houthis need to have the hammer dropped on them post haste. I wouldn’t wait until one of the missiles gets through and kills a civilian.
  13. Or a day that ends in “y”.
  14. Jesus…he needs to be buried up to his neck right next to a fire ant mound!
  15. I don’t know. It seems like Cal finally got it right. Yeah, he made some dumb choices, but at least he was quick to move on from them (Lovie, Cully). He seems to genuinely love the team. And Hannah!! I’d rather have Cal than Jerry Jones!
  16. I for one will be happy to never see Carroll and his stupid gum chomping on the sideline ever again.
  17. Wipe?? Are you a heathen? Get a bidet!
  18. Yes, but Clinton was very charming.
  19. As odd as this may sound, I think I’d rather play KC than Cleveland. Cleveland is a terrible matchup.
  20. After having the franchise decimated because of that stupid perv Watson, I'll take a little Jesus at the QB position. He's always given praise to his teammates and coaches and seems to be a genuinely humble kid.
  21. Huh? He's great in every interview I've ever seen of him.
  22. Dude is going to be a weapon at the next level if he lands in the right situation. I would love to see the Texans get him in 2nd round.
  23. Yeah, I'll bet he stays another year. That was a fantastic performance. To win a road division "playoff" game with so many big players out is amazing. To do it overcoming 10+ penalties? And to give up how many rushing yards? Great coaching, great QB play, and timely defense is the you win in the NFL. This team may be poised to win a lot of games over the next few years.
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