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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hate

  1. I’ve already told my son that we will go to the Spurs games in Htown this year. I got home late from the Astros game last night and didn’t even know the lottery was last night. A friend texted me that the Spurs had won and I told my son. He was soooo excited. He can’t wait to see him play and he’s very happy he’s going to be a Spur. Here’s to the next 20 year dynasty!
  2. The boat dude absolutely respected her privacy the whole time. He left so she could shower in private. She was free to leave at any time. He didn’t even ask her last name. He offered her water when it appeared she was getting a buzz. He put a blanket over her when she fell asleep and left her alone. How much more respect should he have given her? And a drunken whore?? Really? That’s what you’re going with? What actions did she take to make her a drunken whore? He appeared to treat her the way you treated an actual porn star eating pizza at your house. Which is nothing happened.
  3. Yep, the Paris episode.
  4. Here is a powerful story about a lady finding her 14 year old son dead from fentanyl. It actually has the surveillance video from when she finds him and screams. I sent it to my 14 year old son already. https://www.khou.com/article/news/education/texas-fentanyl-crisis/285-79200db8-a27b-49c4-bb38-5411c0923557
  5. It’s why I carefully asked for a “soaking” as opposed to a “flood”.
  6. The lake basins are primed. We just need a good old fashioned Memorial Day soaking to help the lakes for the summer.
  7. This was my first thought as well.
  8. Say that 5 times fast.
  9. I’m kind of in a holding pattern. I’ve got my appointments at MD Anderson, but they aren’t until July. They don’t seem too concerned about mine spreading or they would have moved me up. I have a meeting with a surgeon and an oncologist to discuss treatment paths. Until then, there isn’t too much to say. Every once in a while it does hit me, but it all still seems surreal. I’m sure it will become more real once July rolls around.
  10. Goddamnit…this storm was supposed to be in the Hill Country. It just won’t stop raining here.
  11. Surly is going to struggle with that one.
  12. Maybe a little more, but they really missed this time with the storms over the Hill Country. It was a complex se up, so I'm not faulting the forecasters. They are still pretty damn good, but sometimes mother nature throws them curveball. At any rate, it's been a pretty damn nice spring.
  13. That line of storms last night was moving way too fast. Maybe the system tonight will slow down a little more.
  14. Hate

    2023 Drunk Thread

    We can't be the only ones up getting drunk on a Friday night. Have you heard anything from your friend on the East Coast lately?
  15. Hate

    2023 Drunk Thread

    Where are all the drunks waiting on the rain?
  16. Pretty sure it was Glen Frey that wrote Life in the Fast Lane.
  17. Where exactly do y’all think Austin is on that map??
  18. WPC has expanded the coverage of heavy rain. When we are 24 hours away and they are still this confident, it’s likely going to happen.
  19. Holy crap. That was awesome.
  20. WPC still confident this is going to happen over the weekend.
  21. Yeah, co-sleeping is pretty much the worst idea ever. Seriously, the only ting dumber than co-sleeping is having a kid after you've turned 40. I cannot stress just how dumb co-sleeping is. Get that baby on a schedule and stick to the schedule. You'll be fine, but do not under any circumstances co-sleep.
  22. They are going to move the pocket to help protect him. His first year, he is likely to make a lot of plays with his legs as they will use play action bootlegs a big part of their offense. He will have the options options at 2 different levels to throw to or run the ball if nobody is open. I'd bet he is sacked fewer than 20 times this year.
  23. Yeah, their offensive line could be pretty decent next year. At the very least, it isn't the worst unit on the team anymore.
  24. The Central Texas event isn’t expected to begin until this weekend. The WPC still has the Hill Country in the bullseye. This will put a big dent in the lakes if this verifies.
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