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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hate

  1. Banning flights was racist.
  2. The only reason to believe it came from anywhere other than the lab in Wuhan is because you just don't want to admit it for ...reasons?? I'm really not sure why anyone would choose to believe otherwise, especially the "trust the science" people. the most likely cause has always been human error at the lab in Wuhan. I am not suggesting it was used as germ warfare as I don't believe that at all. But somebody at that lab fucked up and it changed the world forever.
  3. I just don’t see how drafting a rookie QB makes any sense unless they plan to sit him for a year. In which case, they should bring in a vet that can show whom ever it is how to be a professional and take all of the hits while they build the OL and skill players. I’d still prefer they build the talent up and build a system. Look at the Eagles and the 49ers. They have the two best rosters in the league and neither have a great QB. Are those QB’s great for the system they run? Of course, but would Hurts be effective running the Chiefs current offense? Nope. Build the overall talent and build an offensive system.
  4. I watched two scrubs battle it out in the Honda today and had no idea LIV was occurring. I really don't give a shit about "enhancements" the tour needs to make as I watch it now without them like I have for the last 30-35 years. There are weeks that I don't watch golf, but when there is nothing else on TV on a weekend afternoon and I want to chill? I'll watch PGA Tour golf and be glad the douche factor on tour has dropped a thousand percent. And I stand by my comment that none of these guys really compete at a major this year or maybe any other year. Brooks couldn't even bring himslef to show up for whatever shitty tournament was held this weekend. Do you think Dustin Johnson cares enough to be sharp for a major? You don't get ready for a major by playing what is effectively a corporate best ball tourney.
  5. Hate

    2023 Drunk Thread

    Alright alright alright!
  6. Hate

    2023 Drunk Thread

    This will be the last February weekend to get drunk during for 2023. I'd better make the most of it.
  7. I watched this at least 10 times and it was funnier every time.
  8. If her cooter smells like ass, you may want to roll her over and try again.
  9. I really don't want them to take Young or Stroud. I'm hoping that Ryans wants to construct a roster that can win no matter who the QB is how the 49ers have done it. Build it around a great running game and great defense. I'm just not sold on either of the top 2 guys. I'd almost rather they take a chance on either of the other 2 with their 2nd first round pick at 12. I wouldn't even mind of they traded the #2 overall if they could pick up another 1st round pick for it. They just have too many holes to worry about.
  10. I was right in front of the Pig Stand for the parade the day that idiot fired off a bunch of shots. We left there about 30 minutes before the shooting started and heard about it later that night on the news. It was a pretty crazy day.
  11. I've been on a China Cat/Rider kick lately. The show I was listening to last night has an outstanding one. I got too drunk/stoned and feel asleep. I had a long and stressful week at work and I was exhausted last night, so I am not surprised I fell asleep. So I'm up tonight finishing the show from last night and then moving onto another show that will have an outstanding China Cat/Rider.
  12. It's been a hectic week, so I am winding down with some good ole Grateful Dead.
  13. I use the HTR twice a day now from 99 to 610. It’s worth every penny. Now they need to hurry up and expand 99 westbound to 3 lanes from 45 to 249. They are supposed to break ground on that next year. It can’t be done fast enough!
  14. I can attest to this, but it’s also so crowded they can’t pick out just one speeder.
  15. I'm completely expecting all of the LIV golfers to shit the bed in the majors this year. None of them have truly competed in months, at least not at the highest level. Real tournament golf is a completely different game and those guys haven't been really tested. I think some of the with make cuts, but I doubt any of them truly contend at any of the majors. Also, I have to say that it is really nice not to see Brooks anymore. I'd rather BDC come back than Brooks.
  16. Well, I’ve lived in The Woodlands/Spring for almost 16 years now and I’m still looking around for all of those great things I’m missing by living in Houston. Are there museums on every block that you don’t have to drive too? Are there bars, breweries, and restaurants clustered one every other corner down here that I’m missing? Yeah, you may have to drive or Uber to see “something” whatever the fuck that is, but it isn’t a bad place to live. Depending on how much your budget it, you could look at some of the apartments downtown so you can walk to bars and restaurants like the rest of the “interesting” world does.
  17. Damn, Red was a SA legend. He’s almost solely responsible for the Spurs still being in San Antonio. RIP Red.
  18. If you don’t think that Hillary knows about all of Bill’s side pieces the you haven’t been paying attention. Hillary has her own side pieces. Think of her as a modern day Eleanor Roosevelt.
  19. Carter has created a perfect template for Ex-Presidents to follow. He has been a terrific representative for the office and I hope he passes peacefully and painlessly. Also, there is nothing cooler than a full state funeral like Carter will have.
  20. Girlfriend in a coma, I know it's serious.
  21. Damn...kick cancer's ass all of you and your family. Show cancer was being Surly means!
  22. Hate

    2023 Drunk Thread

    It's a good a night as any to get drunk! Who's with me??
  23. I don’t know that my opinion of an athlete has ever changed so quickly…maybe Deshaun Watson, but that’s about it. I used to really like Phil and cheered for him regularly. Now, I just want him to completely go away. I’ll be cheering for him to miss every cut at the majors until he is no longer eligible. That will be the same for every LIV player. Unfortunately, the guys that have won at The Masters will be seen for several years to come.
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